By Cheryl Sullenger
Bethesda, MD – The nationally known late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, has hospitalized another woman after what appears to have been an incomplete 21-week abortion at his misnamed full-term abortion facility, C.A.R.E. in Bethesda, Maryland.
Carhart is one of a handful of abortionists in the U.S. that openly conducts abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.
He has been especially known for frequent and serious abortion complications that have required hospitalization. That includes the abortion-related deaths of Christin Gilbert, 19, who died from complications to a 29-week abortion in 2005, and Jennifer Morbelli, 29, who died in 2013 from fatal complications to a 33-week abortion. Carhart was never held accountable for either woman’s deaths.
The most recent incident occurred on March 10, 2021. A 37-year-old woman was transported by ambulance to the Holy Cross Hospital after the late-term abortion because Carhart was “not feeling confident” and wanted her transported to a hospital emergency room, according to 911 records obtained by Operation Rescue.
“We were trying to do a procedure on a patient and there were some complications,” admitted the C.A.R.E employee who called 911 for help.
While the caller generally downplayed the emergency, she noted that there was some concern that not all the pregnancy tissue had been removed in what appeared to be a Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) dismemberment abortion, from her description. The woman had a “history of hemorrhaging after deliveries,” which contributed to Carhart’s decision to ship her off to the emergency room for care he could not or would not provide.
Carhart, who will turn 80 later this year, holds no hospital privileges anywhere, and has not held any since the early 1980s. That means the Holy Cross Hospital ER staff would have been forced to complete the woman’s abortion, if it was necessary.

Last year, a hospital whistleblower came forward and gave details of two horrifically botched 25-week abortions both took place in May 2020. Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Incident Reports from May 12, 2020, and May 21, 2020, verified that two Carhart patients were transported to Shady Grove Hospital for emergency care.
The extend of the women’s injuries were downplayed in the 2020 Fire and Rescue records, which appeared also have been the case in the March 10, 2021, emergency. {View CAD from 3/10/2021.]
Both women from last year’s incidents faced life-threatening abortion complications that the whistleblower described it as “the most horrific thing I have ever seen.”
One woman suffered a ruptured uterus and other internal injuries that resulted in life-threatening blood loss, while parts of her baby were left inside. The other woman suffered an 8–9-inch hole torn in her uterus and massive blood loss. ER staff were distressed to find a nearly intact baby, which had been shoved into her abdominal cavity. That woman required a full hysterectomy to save her life.
Read more about those two 2020 botched abortion emergencies.
“Carhart is a menace to women and their babies, and, in my opinion, is too incompetent to continue conducting abortions,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Carhart has left a bloody trail of injured women in his wake throughout his decades-long career killing babies – some of which were viable and healthy. It’s time for the carnage to stop and for him to finally be held accountable for the human misery he has caused. That is why we will be filing yet another complaint against him in Maryland.”

Operation Rescue has filed numerous complaints in Maryland against Carhart over the years, none of which resulted in any more than a reprimand. Those complaints included an allegation that he lied on his Maryland Medical license application, which was confirmed by the Medical Board. Other complaints involved illegally dumping biohazard waste, the death of Jennifer Morbelli, and Carhart’s attempt to open his Bethesda location without it being properly licensed.
Operation Rescue successfully conducted a campaign to keep Carhart from opening a late-term abortion facility in Kansas then contributed to efforts to stop him from offering very late-term abortions in his home state of Nebraska.
Since 2012, Operation Rescue has documented 23 medical emergencies related to Carhart abortions and at least a dozen more prior to that when he worked at a now-defunct late-term abortion facility in Wichita, Kansas.