By Anne Reed
Operation Rescue published a report on October 20 concerning alleged fraudulent activity at Abortion Clinics Org INC of Nebraska in the city of Bellevue.

Not much has changed since that report titled, “Fraudulent Practices at ‘Don’t Care’ Abortion Center in Bellevue, Nebraska: Is a Dead Man Committing Abortions at 1002 West Mission Avenue? ” The name of the former medical director, LeRoy Carhart (pictured at left), who died in April 2023, is still prominently displayed on the large sign outside the building, and his name is still on the abortion facility’s website.
However, at least one thing has changed.
Less than two weeks after Operation Rescue’s report identifying a number of abortionists seen stealthily entering the building’s one-car garage, one followed so closely in Carhart’s footsteps that he also died — quite suddenly.

Garry Siegel (pictured at left), the abortionist who was listed on the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services website as a dispensing practitioner at the notorious Bellevue facility, succumbed to brain cancer.
He was seen entering the building on October 27, just five days before his “brief battle with brain cancer” came to an end on November 1. Siegel’s dispensing practitioner license was rendered “null and void” as a result.
Operation Rescue regrets that both men, Carhart and Siegel, committed abortions at the 1002 Mission Avenue location in Bellevue, neither ever showing any evidence of repentance – both killing babies to the very end.
Those managing this killing center apparently saw no reason to delay the killing after Siegel’s death. Just one day later, eyewitnesses observed nine clients entering the facility while three clinic escorts were present – an unfailing indication that abortions are taking place.

Abortionist Jill Meadows (pictured at left) was seen entering the facility that morning. No evidence has been located that Meadows holds a Nebraska dispensing license, so it is unclear, if not suspicious, concerning the legality of what occurred that day.
Operation Rescue and a Bellevue resident have already filed formal complaints with the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office after a whistleblower provided information about alleged illegal activity involving abortionists who distributed abortion-inducing drugs without Nebraska dispensing licenses on May 3, 2023. Therefore, the possibility of another day of illegal dispensing is certainly not farfetched.

Just today, another abortionist was seen leaving the scene. Aaron Campbell, the son of deceased abortionist Morris Campbell, was previously employed as a funeral assistant. Operation Rescue verified that he recently secured both his Nebraska medical license and dispensing practitioner pharmacy license, but he also has a history of ignoring legal requirements in his anxiousness to commit abortions.
Incidentally, today after sidewalk counselors witnessed Campbell leaving, Janine Weatherby, the administrator and daughter of the late Carhart, expressed her unhappiness with the observant sidewalk counselors by waving goodbye using her middle finger.

“The blood-thirsty, money-hungry individuals running the Bellevue killing center obviously have no conscience and believe they will never be held accountable for their evil, reckless, fraudulent behavior,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
“But, ultimately they will stand before God, just as LeRoy Carhart and Garry Siegel now have. We will continue to keep a close watch on this dangerous abortion facility and do everything within our power to ensure the state of Nebraska holds it accountable.”