By Troy Newman, President, Operation Rescue
Planned Parenthood staffers are actively fighting against the girls and young women of this nation who are victims of rape and human sex trafficking. This should cost them their Medicaid provider eligibility nationwide, if President Donald J. Trump wins re-election.
Thanks to President Trump and to the men and women of the US Marshals Service, the Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI who fight the sex traffickers, thousands of women and children have been rescued and many hundreds of sex traffickers have been imprisoned.
The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) released a report last year that showed Planned Parenthood personnel are essentially fighting to protect those who engage in this despicable crime.
A number of the victims who were trafficked for sex were willing to talk about their captivities, according to the report, and this is what they had to say:
In 2017, a survivor group undertook an informal survey of other survivors of sex trafficking, who were minors at the time . . . Surveys were sent to 1,123 women who identified as survivors. Of the 1,123 there were 758 responses who were trafficked as children (67%). But child sexual abuse was prevalent in nearly 96% of them. Of the 758, nearly 90% (683) had had one abortion as a minor (ages 11-17).
Of the 90% (683), 628 (92%) had had multiple abortions, sometimes at the same facility . . .
None of them were separated from the traffickers or bottom (woman accomplice) who brought them in.
None of them were asked for ID.
All of them were given the abortion and not screened for their situation.
All of them were sent home with their trafficker after the abortion, with birth control or some sort of prophylactic.
Nearly 88% of the original respondents said a Planned Parenthood facility was where they were.
Nearly 85% of the original were taken for some sort of STI, UTI, or reproductive issue multiple times.
Predictably, the media leftists said nothing about this report.
We have learned Planned Parenthood staffers nationwide have been aiding and abetting a less organized but much larger group of rapists — those who rape girls in their own households, their own schools, and their own youth groups.
Many selfless pro-life activists observe the young victims as they pray and offer help to women outside abortion facilities. Some have reported underage girls being taken in for abortions to the police, because they understand that a pregnant 13-year-old girl, for example, cannot legally give her consent to sex, and was likely the victim of rape, incest, or human trafficking.
They are right to do this.
Most victims of sexual abuse are girls 17 or younger, according to forensic studies funded by the Justice Department. (What they don’t say is the average adult female sexual abuse victim has been victimized once, but the average minor child sexual abuse victim is victimized many times.)
The girls most vulnerable are 11-to-15 years of age. They are under tremendous societal pressure to submit to sex. These girls represent 25% of all sexual abuse victims.
The AAPLOG report noted that girls above the age of 10 are much less likely to be sexually abused by blood relatives. Their victimizers are much more likely to “acquaintances” like stepfathers, foster fathers, their mother’s boyfriends, and others.
Like who?
Other adults like teachers, coaches, youth activity adults, and 20-somethings prey upon underage girls. They exploit the girls’ natural kindness and wishes to be thought pretty or talented or grown-up in order to abuse them sexually.
For younger girls up to about age 14, older boys in their families (like brothers) and circles of acquaintances (like stepbrothers) commit about a third of all sexual assaults on them.
Because Operation Rescue has earned the reputation of exposing abortion abuses, some public officials and/or others in a position to know the truth give us devastating information on abortion providers.
Recently, one of these investigators told us this:
During my investigation, I obtained detailed government agency information on 70% of all Planned Parenthood facilities. Out of hundreds of thousands of girls below the age of 16 who were taken to Planned Parenthood facilities for birth control, VD treatment, or abortions in the past decade, Planned Parenthood staffers apparently have reported only a few hundred of them as potential victims to the police or to other designated child protection agencies.
Planned Parenthood staffers and every other person in the medical field are mandated reporters of child abuse. They are required to call the police or report to the designated government social services agency when they see signs of sexual abuse in minors. They are not supposed to keep quiet or take money for services such as abortions, then to return girls to those who are raping them. When a mandated reporter fails or refuses to report suspected child abuse, he or she commits a misdemeanor or a felony, and is subject to prosecution in every state.
The investigator told us that when Planned Parenthood staffers observe signs of child sex abuse in patients, in the vast majority of cases, they do not report, but actually cover up the ongoing abuse.
If what our investigator is saying is true, then Planned Parenthood staffers have broken the law many thousands of times, and is complicit in the ongoing sexual abuse of many thousands of girls.
The apparent lawbreaking by Planned Parenthood staffers doesn’t surprise us. Rape is good for Planned Parenthood’s business. They profit from services provided to these young, helpless victims who are often forced to go to Planned Parenthood for abortions that dispose of the “evidence” of the rapist or trafficker’s crimes.
Several pro-life stings and some lawsuits brought by girls when they are older have hinted at this evil criminal code of silence practiced by Planned Parenthood staffers.
But our informant’s investigation is different. Analysis of government records obtained from 48 states related to 70% of all Planned Parenthood facilities show that covering up for child sex abuse, including human sex trafficking, is apparently an organizational practice. (Operation Rescue maintains a sampling of those records on file.)
Right before Labor Day, President Trump openly promised pro-life leaders that if he won re-election, he would work to take away all federal funding from Planned Parenthood. That included over a half billion dollars Planned Parenthood received in federal Medicaid disbursements.
The only way Planned Parenthood can lose Medicaid money, is for President Trump to be re-elected, with Republican control of the House and Senate. President Trump has earned the votes of pro-lifers. In fact, President Trump has earned the votes of all Americans of good will who love their families and love their country.
- Juvenile Offenders and Victims” by the National Center for Juvenile Justice,” December 2014
- Grant #2013–MU–FX–0005 awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
- “Characteristics of Crimes Against Juveniles,” June 2000 bulletin of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
- “Sex Offenses and Offenders,” 1997, US Justice Department, Bureau of Justice Statistics
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