By Cheryl Sullenger
Mobile, AL – A inspection report released on August 13, 2015, has revealed that a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Mobile, Alabama, twice failed to report suspected child sex abuse as required by law involving a 14-year old girl who received two abortions within a four-month span of time.
But what is disturbing is that the report was dated November 21, 2014, nine months ago, raising questions about why it took so long for the Alabama Department of Public Health to release this public record. The report contained no plan of correction usually found on reports this old. In fact, it is not known what sanctions — if any – were ever levied on the Planned Parenthood office, which is open for business and conducting abortions today.
The teenager, identified only as MR#16, first reported to the Planned Parenthood facility on April 9, 2014, seeking a medication abortion. It was determined that she was 14 and already had two living children.
There was no documentation in her medical record to indicate that anyone from Planned Parenthood could verify the signature of the adult that brought her for the abortion was indeed a parent or legal guardian.
Despite being seriously anemic with a hemoglobin count of 9.3 – too low for a medication abortion that induces heavy bleeding — she returned to the clinic on April 12 and was given drugs to induce an abortion. She received no management or consultation regarding her anemia.
Planned Parenthood’s Director of Patient Services verified to inspectors with the Alabama Department of Public Health that no report of suspected child sexual abuse was ever made.
If that was not bad enough, MR#16 returned to Planned Parenthood four months later on August 18, 2014, for counseling for yet another medication abortion.
As before, no one bothered to authenticate that the adult who brought her to Planned Parenthood was her parent or guardian. Still seriously anemic, which should have contraindicated medication abortion to the Planned Parenthood staff, she was again given drugs to induce an abortion then sent on her way.
Again, the inspectors verified with the Director of Patient Services that no report of suspected child sexual abuse made. The Director had no further information as to why this young woman was obviously sent back to her rapist for further abuse.
In fact, to this day, there remains uncertainty that anyone has even yet come to this young teen’s aid.
If a plan of correction was submitted, why wasn’t it released with the deficiency report as usual? Was the abuse ever reported? Is the young woman safe, or is she still in the clutches of her abuser? Was he ever arrested and charged?
“The fact that we currently have no answers to this questions is disturbing, at best. We hope that the ADPH reported this crime and that a full police investigation took place, but we simply do not know,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “In the meantime, allowing Planned Parenthood to continue operating in Mobile is completely unacceptable because we know this behavior is chronic.”
Meanwhile, other deficiencies found in that same report indicate a facility with serious infection control issues. Surgical equipment was not properly sterilized between patients. Everyone from the abortionist down failed to wash their hands before or after donning sterilized gloves. The two times the abortionist was observed washing hands, it was for a grand total of six and seven seconds respectively.
In addition, medical records failed to report important facts, including the type of anesthesia used during abortions. That lack of information could have proved disastrous has any of them suffered complications.
Operation Rescue has confirmed that the Planned Parenthood in Mobile is currently only doing medication abortions even though it has long supplied surgical abortions at that location. Whether this change in services has anything to do with the non-reporting incident remains to be determined.
Planned Parenthood has been accused of failing to report child sex abused for years. Investigations into their despicable practice covering up for child rapists have been politically thwarted or simply never done.
In fact, Planned Parenthood’s Birmingham abortion clinic was caught in 2009 by the Alabama Department of Public Health also failing to report child sex abuse and conducting abortions on minor girls without the required parental consent. Promised investigations ended up going no where.
Both the Birmingham and Mobile abortion facilities belong to Planned Parenthood of the Southeast, Inc., which employs Tamar Middleton and Yashica Robinson-White as their abortionists.
“If an investigation into aiding and abetting child sex abuse is to be done, Planned Parenthood’s abortionists Middleton and Robinson-White are where it should start,” said Newman. “Planned Parenthood appears to be breaking the law nine ways to Sunday, exploiting abused little girls and selling aborted baby remains. It’s time for those in authority to stop ignoring the evidence of criminal activity and bring those responsible to speedy justice.”
Planned Parenthood Caught Failing to Report Egregious Case of Child Sex Abuse in Alabama