Information on how to take action to close this abortion facility below!

By Cheryl Sullenger

Cuyahoga Falls, OH – A woman was injured after a surgical abortion procedure at the Northeast Ohio Women’s Center (NEOWC) abortion business on July 25, 2020.  An ambulance responded to a 911 call for help and transported her to a nearby hospital for emergency care.

According to 911 records obtained by Operation Rescue, the 29-year-old woman suffered “uncontrolled bleeding” after an abortion procedure.

The NEOWC’s caller told the 911 dispatcher that there were protesters at the facility and requested that the ambulance report to the back door of the facility.  Photos taken at the scene showed that clinic escorts used a large banner unsuccessfully to block pro-life activists from documenting the incident.

The Ohio Department of Health’s online profile for the NEOWC shows that its abortion facility license expired on March 31, 2019. 

The NEOWC was last inspected in July 2017, when 24 pages of deficiencies were cited.

Pro-life groups, including Operation Rescue, have long sought the closure of the NEOWC due to evidence of deteriorating conditions, falsified logs, failure to make promised corrections, a string of expired facility licenses, and the suspension of the facility’s Medical Director for illegal drug prescription distribution.  Yet, the Ohio Department of Health has remarkably allowed the Northeast Ohio Women’s Center to stay open.

“Ohio has a chronic problem of allowing abortion facilities to operate on expired facility licenses.  We have seen some facilities continue to do business on licenses that have been expired for years,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.  “The Ohio Department of Health has failed in its duty to ensure that Ohio abortion facilities have current licenses and meet all requirements.  This puts women in danger, and may have contributed to the serious injury that recently hospitalized one of their abortion clients.”

The Northeast Ohio Women’s Center is owned by abortionist David Burkons, 73, whose medical license was suspended for six months in 2017 for prescribing dangerous narcotics to fourteen patients, including several friends, without noting the prescriptions in their medical charts. This under-the-table prescribing kept any mention of narcotic use out of the patients’ records. Drugs that were being secretly prescribed included Xanax, Adderall, Valium, Ativan, and Percocet.

Burkons also left blank, signed prescriptions for his employees to fill out for patients. He claimed that he did not understand that this practice was illegal.

The Ohio Department of Health was recently rocked by scandal when former director Amy Acton helped a Dayton late-term abortion facility to remain open after the Ohio Supreme Court let stand a closure order that was four years in the making.  It was later learned that Acton had once campaigned for pro-abortion Barack Obama, and had connections to Marxist globalist organizations that promoted depopulation through abortion.  Acton resigned on June 11, 2020, after Operation Rescue published an interview with her estranged mother that exposed much of Acton’s account of her early life as essentially fraudulent.

During Acton’s entire term of employment with the Department of Health, she ignored the fact that the NEOWC was open and operating on an expired abortion facility license.

“The Northeast Ohio Women’s Center is an unmitigated disaster and should be shut down,” said Newman.  “We call on the Ohio Department of Health to do its duty and close this facility on an emergency basis to protect other women from suffering the same fate – or worse – as the woman who was hospitalized after a botched abortion in July.”

Please help protect women and their babies by contacting the Ohio Department of Heath and demand the closure of the Northeast Ohio Women’s Center in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Voice: (614) 466-3543

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