By Cheryl Sullenger
In case you haven’t noticed, pro-abortion globalists with a radical depopulation agenda have deeply infiltrated American abortion groups and politics — a trend that is dangerously on the rise.
Operation Rescue has previously published exposés on this topic involving the work of several organizations that once focused their population-control activities to third world countries, but are now actively and publicly working in America to advance an extreme leftist agenda of abortion and globalist socialism.
Here are a few of those reports that illustrate the point.
- “Targeted for Depopulation” exposed the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, based at the University of California San Francisco, and its U.S. abortion training programs that are funded by a “Who’s Who” list of the world’s most radical pro-abortion, one-world government supporters.
- “Structure of Oppression? Why the Driver’s License is Hated by the Abortion-Supporting Left” explains how globalist organizations are attacking government issued photo ID’s as obstacles to getting an abortion and to voting. This promotes the mail-in ballot system, and, if allowed, would rig the results of the 2020 Presidential election.
- “China Virus Contact Tracing” revealed the Marxist, pro-abortion organization Partners in Health – heavily connected to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Health Initiative – that has recently diverted attention from third world nations like Haiti and Rwanda to conduct COVID-19 contact tracing in several states.
- “Depopulation Group Pays Abortionists to Edit Wikipedia Abortion Information” showed how the Society of Family Planning trains abortionists to alter Wikipedia entries to reflect pro-abortion positions by citing globalist organizations focused on depopulation through abortion and contraceptives.
- “Trump Administration Starts Process to Leave Corrupt WHO” reacted to President Donald Trump’s decision for the U.S. to leave the corrupt pro-abortion World Health Organization, one of the leading promoters of abortion worldwide – with the past help of billions in tax funding courtesy of the American taxpayer.
These heavily funded organizations have joined up with the America’s pro-abortion political establishment to push back abortion safety laws and expand the use of abortion drugs and late-term abortion on the American people.
In short, these groups want U.S. abortion laws and practices to reflect the socialist policies they have created in third world countries.
The latest collaboration was announced by the Center for Reproductive Rights, which is a New York-based legal organization that attacks pro-life legislation in the courts. It has joined hands with Ibis Reproductive Health – a globalist, socialist abortion group — to attack pro-life legislation and vilify those who are pro-life with the false notion that pro-life people lack empathy and compassion for women and families.
The Center for Reproductive Rights was successful in challenging abortion safety laws at the U.S. Supreme Court in the Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt and the recent June Medical Center v. Russo cases.
Ibis Reproductive Health, funded in part by the Society of Family Planning, advocates expanding the use of abortion-inducing drugs to more women later into their pregnancies, and is working to push back gestational limits on abortion to allow for more late-term abortions on viable babies.
In a press release dated July 9, 2020, the two organizations announced a new website that details pro-life legislation in all 50 states. It also attempts to disparage the priority motives of legislators with accusations of hypocrisy by correlating the number of pro-life laws with the number of laws that support “pregnant women; promote children’s and adolescents’ health, education, and safety; and support family financial health.”
However, the new website fails to take into consideration the vast private networks of pro-life pregnancy help centers and other resources that provide support for women and families – all without being mandated or funded by local, state, or federal governments.
“In states that pass pro-life legislation, there are also a great deal of resources available to pregnant women that are supplied by the faith community and private pro-life organizations,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “This reduces the compulsion to create more government entitlement programs, as it should.”
There are approximately 2,750 private pro-life facilities that offer free services, referrals, and, in some cases, housing to pregnant women and their families in the spirit of charity. These vastly outnumber the approximately 700 abortion facilities in the U.S. – many of which offer no other services than abortion.
It also fails to mention the thousands of volunteer pro-life sidewalk activists in hundreds of cities that offer practical help and assistance to abortion-bound women outside abortion facilities nationwide that have been responsible for saving thousands of lives from abortion.
The Trump Administration has done much to push back against the globalists who are foisting abortion on women around the world. For example, he halted American funding of International Planned Parenthood, and he has withheld funds from the World Health Organization with plans to withdraw from it.
“The new pro-abortion website is more than just another attack on pro-life legislation. It is an attack on the deeply-held beliefs of millions of pro-life legislators and citizens who oppose abortion and support a plethora of services for pregnant women and needy families. It wrongly leads people to believe that the compassion and generosity of pro-life supporters simply does not exist, when, in fact, it is alive and healthy, and saving lives on a daily basis,” said Newman.
But Newman concluded with a warning of the intensifying focus of globalists organizations and funding that is attacking pro-life legislation while promoting radical policies to expand abortion and abortion practices.
“It is shocking how much influence the socialist, globalist abortion organizations have infiltrated the U.S. Abortion Cartel,” said Newman. “These organizations are emerging from the shadows to force the expansion of an ailing abortion industry that was imploding until recently. Political corruption and a huge influx of globalist money has been poured into America to keep abortion from ending here. We must recognize this threat and face it head on with a unified voice if we are ever to counter this attack and make America abortion free.”