A pro-lifer noticed the cloud formation (top left) seemed to replicate the image of the child in the womb (bottom right).
By Anne Reed
UPDATE: On Monday, February 27, 2023, 521 petition packets were turned into the city clerk, containing well over 7,000 signatures. Operation Rescue will continue keep you informed concerning the status of this ordinance.
Citizens of Bellevue, Nebraska, have been working diligently to obtain signatures for an initiative designed to protect innocent life in the womb. If the ordinance is successful, abortion will be outlawed within the city limits. And the notoriously dangerous Leroy Carhart will no longer be able to legally kill children in Bellevue.
Carhart has been murdering babies and severely injuring their mothers for decades. He was involved in the senseless deaths of 19-year-old Christin Gilbert in 2005 and 29-year-old Jennifer Morbelli in 2013.
The small suburban city of Bellevue is known and widely respected as the home of Offutt Air Force Base – the legendary headquarters of the U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM).
The city’s pro-life residents hope to remove the dark shadow cast by Carhart and his killing center at 1002 West Mission Avenue. Though the number of abortions facilitated at this location have significantly decreased after his recent purchase of an abortion facility in Pueblo, Colorado, approximately 20-30 lives are lost every week because of the “services” offered there.
“Every one of those tiny in utero infants are created in the image of God with purpose and meaning,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.
“This is an effort which is of utmost importance,” said Mark Lee Dickson, founder of the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn Initiative who has successfully helped cities and counties across the nation pass similar ordinances.
A total of 65 cities and 2 counties have become sanctuaries for the unborn because of comparable efforts. Some of those communities were working proactively, while others successfully closed existing abortion facilities. For instance, an initiative in Lubbock, Texas, closed the doors to a Planned Parenthood’s abortion operation.
Time is running out. This is the final week to collect signatures for the Bellevue petition.
Anyone 18 years and older can volunteer to help secure petition signatures. Circulators do not need to be residents of Bellevue, or Nebraska for that matter, but must be present in Bellevue to collect signatures of the city’s citizens.
If you would like to be a part of closing Leroy Carhart’s abortion clinic and preventing future predators from opening abortion clinics in Bellevue – thereby saving countless innocent lives – you can help collect signatures this week.
Reach out to the following contacts with any questions, to secure petitions, or to help in any way:
Nebraskans Embracing Life at 402-399-0299
Judy Mansisidor at judyrizzo@yahoo.com
Mark Lee Dickson at markleedickson@gmail.com, or text 806-598-1919.
Weekend Petition Circulators: (Each person circulating petitions is encouraged to obtain 20 signatures.) Petitions can be picked up at Saint Mary’s Church, 2302 Crawford Street, Bellevue, Nebraska, 9:30 a.m., Saturday
Pro-life organizations in Nebraska: You are encouraged to get involved in this effort, as it impacts all of Nebraska, as well as surrounding states.
Churches: “Churches, you have one last opportunity this Sunday morning to take part in this citizen initiative signature collection effort – don’t waste it,” said Dickson.
If you are a Bellevue resident and you want to see abortion end in your city – be sure you sign the petition this week.
Volunteers will be collecting signatures throughout the week – with a final push Saturday and Sunday.
Petitions will be made available Sunday at churches throughout the area. To find out if your church is already involved, contact your church leaders. To get your church involved, contact the petition leaders.
Post Office:
Petitions will be made available on the public right of way (sidewalk), 2609 Victoria Avenue, Bellevue, Nebraska
Weekday afternoons, 3 p.m. – 5 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Affordable Computer Repair:
2219 Franklin Street, Bellevue, Nebraska, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Judy Mansisidor, one of three chief sponsors of the ordinance, explained that the petitioning process is serving as a winnowing fork to reveal who is going to protect innocent life. In addition, it has revealed a vast network of people in the area who are determined to help mothers and families who experience unintended pregnancies.

“The community of Bellevue loves families and children,” Mansisidor continued. “It makes sense that Bellevue would be an abortion-free city. We are known for protecting life here. Offutt Air Force Base, home of STRATCOM, is responsible for protecting lives around the globe.
“Our city slogan is, ‘We influence the world because STRATCOM is here.’ I hope this petition effort will allow Bellevue to go forward to influence the world for life instead of influencing the world for death in the womb.”