Contact your Senators and Congressmen now to save our nation from this unparalleled power grab!

By Cheryl Sullenger
Washington, D.C. – Congressional Democrats are unwilling to wait for Biden’s Supreme Court Commission, which was tasked less than a week ago to examine the matter of Court-packing. House and Senate Democrats moved today to expand the number of Justices from nine to thirteen.
Rep. Jerry Nadler stated in typical Orwellian fashion his support for adding four additional justices to the Supreme Court at a press conference this morning, saying, “We are not packing the court. We are unpacking it. It was the Republicans that packed the Court.”
This is an unprecedented power grab by Democrats. It would give Biden four new nominees to the Supreme Court to counter President Donald Trump’s three SCOTUS picks, which were made when natural vacancies occurred on the Court.
“If the Democrats say they are not court-packing, you can bet they actually are court-packing,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Packing the Court would put Democrats in control of all three branches of government, and could stop Republicans from ever regaining power, making America permanently a one-party political system – something that is an existential threat to our freedom and our Constitutional Republic.
Meanwhile, President Trump has held that the 2020 Presidential Election was subject to fraud. Efforts to audit the ballots and vote counts in several states have been ordered, including in Maricopa County, Arizona, where a detailed forensic analysis of mail-in ballots will soon take place. It will reveal beyond doubt if there were fraudulent votes that indeed affected the outcome of the election in favor of Biden. The data is expected to be used in a new round of lawsuits challenging the election’s outcome.
“Could it be that the Democrats are desperate to rig the Supreme Court by packing it with progressive Democrats before those election audits can be completed and new lawsuits filed? That is something that requires a serious investigation and, if true, would constitute an abuse of power by the Democrats,” said Newman. “These new justices would also certainly be pro-abortion activists that would have the ability to negate all the progress that has been made to restrain abortion at the state and national levels.”
Already Democrats have voted to give Planned Parenthood $500 million, have expanded abortions to allow the delivery of abortion drugs by mail, and are working to lift the Trump-era Protect Life Rule and the Hyde Amendment, which block Federal funding to abortion businesses.
“The Supreme Court is the backstop for attacks on our Constitution and our Constitutional Rights. The Democrats want to destroy that backstop so their globalist-socialist policies can run amok over the Constitution and the American people,” said Newman. “I urge every American patriot to immediately contact their Senators and Congressmen and demand they oppose this dangerous Court-packing bill. We need to do this now to save America.”