The rescuers below are in prison for peacefully acting on their convictions to save innocent lives. They are currently in federal prison for their efforts to save babies just like these being led to the slaughter.
In accordance with the Scriptures below, Operation Rescue encourages you to pray for these pro-life heroes and send them notes of encouragement.
“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body” (Hebrews 13:3).
“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Corinthians 12:26).
- Typewritten letters are preferred. If you handwrite your letter(s), please write neatly to ensure it will be delivered.
- Only white envelopes with an affixed stamp will be delivered.
- No photos/images are allowed.
- No printed news articles are allowed. But you may copy and paste the text of an article, etc., into a typed letter.

Joan Andrews Bell: Imprisoned for Rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic. Sentenced to 2 years, 3 months on May 15, 2024. She is detained at FDC Philadelphia.
Mrs. Bell asks that supporters refrain from sending mail, as she wishes to use her time in prison for focused prayer. She welcomes and appreciates your prayers.

Johnathan Darnel: Imprisoned for Rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic.
Sentenced to 2 years, 10 months on May 15, 2024.
Located at FCI Thomson in Thomson, IL
Register Number: 93647-509
Click HERE for instructions for visitation, mail, and ways to support Darnel.

Chet Gallagher: On September 27, 2024, Gallagher was sentenced to 16 months in federal prison for violating the FACE Act and Civil Rights Conspiracy after a rescue outside of a Nashville, Tennessee abortion clinic in March 2021.
Gallagher was ordered to report to prison in February 2025, but that may be delayed due to pending sentencing on similar convictions in Detroit.

Herb Geraghty: Imprisoned for Rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic. Sentenced to 2 years, 3 months on May 15, 2024.
Located at FDC Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Register Number: 72357-510
Click HERE for instructions for visitation, mail, and ways to support Geraghty.

Will Goodman: Imprisoned for Rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic.
Sentenced to 2 years, 3 months on May 15, 2024.
Reference #: 93822-509
Located at: FCI Danbury in Danbury, Connecticut
Click HERE for instructions for visitation, mail, and ways to support Goodman.

Lauren Handy: Imprisoned for Rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic.
Sentenced to 4 years, 9 months on May 14, 2024.
Reference #: 93984-007
Located at: FCI Tallahassee in Tallahassee, Florida
Click HERE for instructions for visitation, mail, and ways to support Handy.

Paulette Harlow: Sentenced to two years in prison on May 15, 2024, for rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic. Previously on house arrest due to debilitating health concerns, the 75-year-old Harlow must report to prison authorities after the location of her incarceration is determined.
Update: Harlow was scheduled to report to the Federal Medical Center in Fort Worth on September 24, 2024, but she suffered a mini stroke and was hospitalized.

John Hinshaw: Imprisoned for Rescue Imprisoned for Rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic.
Sentenced to 1 year, 9 months on May 14, 2024.
Register Number: 93685-509
Located at: FMC Devens in Ayer, Massachusetts
Click HERE for instructions for visitation, mail, and ways to support Hinshaw.

Heather Idoni: Imprisoned for demonstration at Washington Surgi-Clinic. She was sentenced to two years on May 22, 2024. On September 27, 2024, she was sentenced to eight months for her participation in a Nashville rescue. The second sentence will run “concurrently” with the sentence she is already serving (not adding more time to her two-year sentence).
Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office/Jail
45 N. Elk Street, Sandusky, Michigan 48471.
Heather Idoni, Case# 304700
c/o Mail Processing Center
P.O. Box 9175
Seminole, FL 33775-9175
No glues, stickers, perfumes, markers, etc. Include your name, address in the letter – not just the envelope
Please pray a special prayer for Idoni who suffered a stroke, was stabilized in late April/early May and returned to jail to await sentencing. As of October 3, Idoni was in lockdown 23 hours a day.

Jean Marshall: Imprisoned for Rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic.
Sentenced to 2 years on May 15 2024.
Reference #: 93609-509
Located at: FCI Danbury in Danbury, Connecticut
Click HERE for instructions for visitation, mail, and ways to support Marshall.

Bevelyn Beatty Williams: Sentenced to three years in federal prison on July 24 for violating the FACE Act and violating the FACE Act through force.
Located at FCI Aliceville in Aliceville, Alabama
Register Number: 36475-510
Click HERE for instructions for visitation, mail, and ways to support Williams.

Cal Zastrow: Sentenced on July 2, to six months in federal prison, three years of probation (including six months of house arrest) for violating the FACE Act and Civil Rights Conspiracy after a rescue outside of a Nashville, Tennessee, abortion clinic.
A federal judge will consider motions to dismiss convictions on similar charges in Detroit.
Located at FCI Thomson in Thomson, IL
Register Number: 26324-510
Click HERE for instructions for visitation, mail (Cal loves books!), and ways to support him. If you would like to communicate with Cal by email, include your email address in your letter sent via U.S. mail, so that he can send you an invitation to communicate with him through Corrlinks.
Others received lesser sentences either being served currently or already completed:
Nashville, TN: Six Convicted with No Jail, One Received 6 Months Prison Time:
On January 30, 2024, six pro-lifers were convicted of violating the FACE Act and Civil Rights Conspiracy after a rescue outside of a Nashville, Tennessee, abortion clinic in 2021. Four of the six received their sentences on July 2-3, 2024. Only one received prison time (Cal Zastro listed above). The status of the remaining five are shown below:
- Coleman Boyd: Sentenced to five years of probation and ordered to pay a $10,000 fine.
- Dennis Green: Six months house arrest and three years probation.
- Heather Idoni (referenced above and below): Still awaiting sentencing.
- Paul Vaughn: Sentenced to six months of house arrest and three years of supervised probation, along with simple court costs of $125.
On March 2, 2024, a jury convicted four others (listed below) for their role in the same prayerful protest. They were found guilty of violating the FACE Act. On July 30, they were given time served (which covers the 21 months of pre-trial probation), followed by 90 days of home detention, followed by 3 years of probation.
- Eva Edl: September 26, U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeffery S. Frensley sentenced 89-year old Edl to an additional three years probation.
- Paul Place
- Eva Zastrow
- James Zastrow
Detroit, MI: Eight found Guilty on All Charges:
On August 21, 2024, a Michigan federal court found eight pro-lifers guilty of violating the FACE Act and conspiracy against rights for their efforts to save babies at Northland Family Planning abortion clinic in Sterling Heights, a suburb of Detroit, Michigan.
U.S. District Judge Matthew Leitman said he would consider a request to dismiss the conspiracy charge, by far, the heftier charge, before the sentencing.
- Joel Curry
- Caroline Davis
- Eva Edl
- Chester Gallagher
- Heather Idoni (image above)
- Justin Phillips
- Calvin Zastrow (image above)
- Eva Zastrow
Edl and Idoni were also convicted of a separate access charge at a clinic in Saginaw, Michigan.
Awaiting Sentencing:
In August 2024, Joel Curry, Caroline Davis, and Justin Phillips were convicted of the FACE Act for a peaceful protest in at Northland Family Planning Detroit, Michigan.
Sentences Completed:
Christopher Moscinski (“Father Fidelis”) served a 78-day jail sentence for participating in a Red Rose Rescue.
Jay Smith, pleaded guilty to charges for rescue at Washington Surgi-Clinic and was sentenced to 10 months in prison.
Matthew Connolly, sentenced to 90 days after a Red Rose Rescue in Michigan on April 23, 2022.
Laura Gies, sentenced to 90 days after a Red Rose Rescue in Michigan on April 23, 2022.
Steven Lefemine — in March 2024, he was convicted of the FACE Act for sitting in front of a Columbia, South Carolina, Planned Parenthood entrance reading the newspaper. He was sentenced to 60 days in prison. He was originally arrested by local authorities on a trespassing charge and received a $465 fine. However, federal authorities indicted Lefemine on additional FACE Act charges and sentenced him to 60 days in prison and fined him $1,000.
Monica Miller, sentenced to 45 days after a Red Rose Rescue in Michigan on April 23, 2022.