By Anne Reed
Southfield, Michigan — On November 1, 2023, an employee of Northland Family Planning Center West called 911 to report an emergency involving a woman “bleeding very heavily” from the vaginal area. She was reported to be 33 or 34 years old during the 911 call. The highly redacted computer-aided dispatch (CAD) transcript reflected the woman was 33 years of age and of Black ethnicity, a highly targeted demographic by the abortion cartel.
Though the CAD indicates the hemorrhaging woman received advanced life support, a puzzling notation indicated that no lights or sirens were used for the transport. The caller was not heard making a request for a silent approach as heard in many 911 calls from abortion facilities. It is not known why the Southfield Fire Department utilized a silent approach unless some other form of communication was in place requesting this type of low priority transport.
Even so, the hemorrhaging woman was transported in just 12 minutes from the time the call was initiated to the emergency room at Providence Hospital, an 8 minute drive away.
This facility has a well-documented history of complaints and frightening emergencies:
One woman filed a complaint with the state of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs alleging she experienced excruciating pain due to an insufficient dose of Fentanyl. A number of others suffered from severe bleeding after abortions at the facility.
In 2016, alone, at least three women were transferred to emergency rooms for severe bleeding.
In one of the most frightening hemorrhage cases, a woman was transferred to the emergency room in critical condition in 2021 with “genitourinary abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding.” A number of disturbing descriptions were noted in the CAD, including cyanosis (bluish or purplish skin discoloration due to oxygen deficiency), lividity (unnatural lack of color in the skin), and diaphoresis (excessive and abnormal sweating). The 22-week-old unborn child did not survive the ordeal, and it is not known whether the suffering 26-year-old mother survived.
“This emergency is one of many that have occurred at this dangerous facility,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It commits abortions up to 24 weeks gestation, about the age at which my grandson was delivered prematurely last year and is now a chubby, thriving baby boy.
“We simply cannot stand by as the lives of these precious children are violently ended at the hands of so-called doctors. The injuries to moms are just a byproduct of the abortion cartel’s unquenchable thirst for the death of vulnerable children and the blood money that accompanies it.”
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