Wichita, KS – The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has given President Donald J. Trump the unique opportunity to shape the direction of the U.S. Supreme Court with a nominee that will respect the Constitution and the founding tenets found in the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
“Without the right to Life, no other rights matter. The right to be born and live life in freedom is the most precious and foundational of all rights. I urge President Trump to make this nomination with that thought in mind and appoint a nominee who will boldly uphold the precious right to Life,” said Troy Newman President of Operation Rescue.
Newman continued:
President Trump has made promises to those of us who embrace this fundamental right, and he has done his very best to keep those promises.
Now, this is a moment we have been waiting for since the first state decriminalized abortion in 1968. This is the moment that President Trump’s decision can shift the Court away from its current pro-abortion bent. With this nominee, he can literally save millions of innocent lives throughout future generations and restore a respect for human life that has been deteriorating in our culture. It is likely the most important decision he will make as President.
Operation Rescue calls on President Trump to act quickly to select a pro-life nominee with an unshakable commitment to our founding principles.
We call on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to hold hearings on that nomination at the earliest possible moment – preferably before the November election.
We also call on Senate Republicans to put aside differences and unite behind President Trump’s nominee for the sake of our country and our posterity.
Elections have consequences, and the fact that President Trump has every legal right to appoint a Supreme Court nominee at any point during his term, whether it is an election year or not, is enshrined in law. Any delay is simply not acceptable.
Operation Rescue also extends its sincere condolences to the Ginsburg family during their time of loss.