Has the trafficking in aborted baby body parts quietly resumed?
By Cheryl Sullenger
Bellevue, NE – Ashley Riddle, president of Metro Sidewalk Advocates, reported for her sidewalk shift as usual at LeRoy Carhart’s abortion facility in Bellevue, Nebraska, but as she stood offering help to abortion-bound women, she found herself in a conversation with one man that proved to be anything but usual.
Riddle’s smart phone camera was running as a man emerged from Carhart’s abortion facility with a blue cooler bag that sported a bright orange biohazard sticker.
Realizing that the cooler’s contents were very likely the remains of aborted babies, Riddle asked, “Sir, don’t these babies deserve a proper funeral?”
Instead of answering, the man challenged Riddle.
“Did you also know that this is also just a health clinic as well. It’s not just for abortions,” he said.
Riddle explained that Carhart provides few, if any, services other than abortion.
“But you’re taking out dead babies, sir,” she remarked.
“It’s a fetus,” he replied.
Then, in a bizarre twist, the man cavalierly tossed the cooler into the back seat of his private vehicle, turned to Riddle and asked, “Did you know a baby isn’t formed until six to eight months?”
Riddle was shocked that the man who picked up the aborted baby remains was so grossly misinformed. In reality, pre-born babies are fully formed by eight weeks gestation, a fact easily found on the Internet with a brief Google Search.
“No, I’m not against children. I’m actually against abortion as well, but this is just my job, so I’d appreciate it if I’m not harassed,” the baby parts man continued, sounding remarkably like an abortion supporter.
“Then you wouldn’t be riding around with dead babies, sir,” Riddle responded.
The man denied that they were dead babies, after having earlier admitted they were “fetuses.” Could it be that by dehumanizing his grisly cargo with the term “fetus,” it becomes easier for him to do his job?
The incident raises questions apart from the misinformed man’s twisted logic.
Why were aborted baby remains being transported in essentially an insulated lunch bag in the back seat of an unmarked private sub-compact? Where were the baby parts going?
The arrangement was not indicative of usual biohazard waste disposal pick-up methods often witnessed by pro-life activists at abortion facilities across the country.
Then there’s this: LeRoy Carhart was recently under investigation by the House Select Panel on Infant Lives for suspected trafficking in aborted baby organs and tissue. He was also being investigated for the possibility that he had killed babies born alive at a very late-term abortion facility in Germantown, Maryland.
The Select Panel issued subpoenas to Carhart and others related to his abortion businesses, but Carhart never fully complied before the Panel ended its work at the end of December, 2016.
Because Carhart was somehow suspected of crimes related to aborted babies and their remains, it is not far-fetched to wonder if he might be engaged in the illicit trade in body parts in Nebraska.
“We call on the Nebraska Department of Health to fully investigate LeRoy Carhart and his abortion business’ disposal practices related to aborted baby remains. We also urge them to accept no stonewalling of the kind that prevented the Select Panel from reaching conclusions about his dubious actions,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “It appears there is a possibility that the illicit trade in aborted baby remains has quietly resumed, if it ever stopped. It’s time for the public to learn the truth about what’s really going on.”
Video: Bizarre Pick Up of Aborted Babies at Carhart’s Nebraska Abortion Mill