Arrests occurred during prayer walk for abortionist Nareshkumar Patel

[UPDATE WITH CORRECTIONS: In the confusing moments of the arrests, some information was incorrectly reported to Operation Rescue. Below is a corrected version of the events. We apologize for the errors and for any confusion. –Operation Rescue Staff]
Oklahoma City, OK — An Operation Rescue Truth Truck was impounded Saturday evening in an exclusive gated community in Oklahoma City, and two men were placed under citizen’s arrest and jailed after a group of Christians prayed outside the home of abortionist Nareshkumar Patel.
Held in jail overnight were Randy Blaise of Wichita, Kansas, and Ric Dugan of Chicago, Illinois. One of Patel’s neighbors, placed the men under citizen’s arrest for trespassing. The men were taken into custody by the Oklahoma City police and released from jail the following day.
The Truth Truck was released from impound Sunday evening.
The Truth Truck had stopped at the gated entrance of the community and explained where they wanted to go to the guard on duty. The guard then opened the gate and allowed the Truth Truck to enter the community. The Truth Truck had not been asked to leave the gated community before the arrests, which actually took place after the Truth Truck had exited the community.
Seventeen other Christians who had accompanied the Truth Truck, were denied access to the community by the guard. They stood outside the gated community and offered prayer on behalf of the abortionist. They were not arrested.
A lawsuit is under consideration for false arrest and Constitutional Rights violations.
Abortionist Patel has himself had some run-ins with the law. In 1992, Patel was under investigation after partially burned bodies of aborted babies were discovered in a field he owned. In March, 1993, a patient accused him of forcible oral sodomy and sexual battery. A reprimand for unprofessional conduct appears on his medical license for failure to maintain dispensing records for dangerous drugs.
“We conduct neighborhood prayer walks for abortionists because they live such troubled lives and are in desperate need of redemption through Jesus Christ,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We will continue to conduct these kinds of events even though there is often persecution that accompanies them. Many of our prayers for abortionists have been answered, and we have seen dozens stop the practice of killing innocent children in the womb. That is certainly worth a night in jail.”