Wichita, KS — Two hard-hitting radio ads will soon be hitting the airwaves in Kansas to confront Attorney General Paul Morrison and House Speaker Melvin Neufeld for their delay in moving forward with efforts to prosecute George R. Tiller on 30 criminal charges related to illegal late-term abortions.
Listen to the ads:
Will Morrison Charge Tiller?
Melvin Neufeld, What Are You Waiting For?
“These radio spots will turn up the heat on our elected officials who think the public will tolerate foot-dragging and flat-out lying to protect Tiller’s wanton and illegal destruction of innocent lives,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “They are about to find out that this scandal is not going to go away.”
The ads were produced by ChargeTiller.com, an Ohio group that launched a petition to bring Tiller to justice.