Today is the 36th memorial of the Roe v. Wade decision that decriminalized abortion in America. But not every abortion or abortion method is legal. There are many laws in almost every state that restrict abortion.
We are asking for your help to use those laws to bring the nation’s biggest late-term abortionist to justice.
Earlier this month we released the results of an undercover investigation into George R. Tiller’s late-term abortion business. Kansas law states that a determination of viability must be made at 22 weeks and forbids abortions past viability with exceptions only in the direst of circumstances. However, we discovered that Tiller’s employees are intentionally underestimating the age of pre-born babies in order to justify abortions that are illegal under the law. In addition, Tiller’s abortion workers are giving women deceptive information about Kansas law to make them think their abortions are legal when they are not.
We have filed complaints with the state attorney general and the district attorney. We helped our volunteer that received the deceptive information from Tiller’s clinic to file a complaint with the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts. Some of our evidence has been turned over to them, enough to prove legal violations, but the silence from them and from the media has been deafening.
On this special day, when our hearts and minds are filled with grief over the loss of innocent children to abortion, please do something proactive to stop the needless deaths of viable babies at the nation’s largest late-term abortion mill.
Please contact the following authorities and ask them to do everything in their power to stop Tiller from continuing to violate the law. Ask for an emergency closure of Tiller’s mill, Women’s Health Care Services, in the interest of public safety. Let’s let these authorities know that we will hold them accountable for enforcing the law and protecting the innocent, as is their duty.

• Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston
• Attorney General Steve Six
• Dan Riley, Disciplinary Counsel, KS Board of Healing Arts

Reminder: CLICK HERE for information about Operation Rescue’s Roe v. Wade memorial events to be held this evening.