[This article has been edited for accuracy. See statement at the end of this article.]
By Cheryl Sullenger
Baton Rouge, LA – Nsikan M. St. Martin wasn’t supposed to be working at the Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge, one of the sketchier abortion businesses in Louisiana. That was said to be a condition of her former employment at the Teche Action Clinic in Morgan City.
Now, Operation Rescue has learned that St. Martin is no longer working at the Teche Action Clinic and hasn’t been for nearly three months, according to Berryl Broussard, an attorney representing that medical facility. She is also no longer associated with the Teche Medical Center, a hospital where she held hospital privileges, until just last week.
Rich Mahoney, a long-time pro-life activist in Louisiana, tells Operation Rescue that St. Martin has once again returned to work at the Delta Clinic — undercover. She has been spotted wearing disguises and driving borrowed cars and rentals to conceal her identity.
The Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge, Louisiana has long been known as a disreputable abortion facility. After all, was owned by Leon Brinkley, a close associate of convicted Philadelphia murderer/illegal abortionist Kermit Gosnell. At Brinkley’s recommendation, Gosnell had employed former Delta Clinic employee Eileen O’Neal, who posed illegally as a licensed physician (she wasn’t) at his House of Horrors abortion facility in West Philadelphia. [Read more about this connection.]
One might consider St. Martin of the same ilk.
St. Martin was arrested on November 1, 2015, during a domestic dispute with her live-in girlfriend. St. Martin had called police and demanded the other woman be removed from the house. In apparent retaliation, that woman squealed on St. Martin’s drug possession. According to an arrest record posted on line, when the police searched her bathroom, “Officers located suspected marijuana, pills identified as Alprazolam and Mepheylphenidate and items used to smoke illegal narcotics. Also, several firearms were located in the bedroom.”
St. Martin was arrested and charged with six drug and firearms violations, then released on bail. However, all charges were later inexplicably dropped and no medical board disciplinary action was ever taken.
But illegal firearm possession, illicit drug use, and rowdy domestic disturbances are not the only alarming activities with which St. Martin appears to be involved.
A former patient posted a bombshell review in 2015 on an online medical site soon after St. Martin’s arrest. She indicated that St. Martin worked as a stripper in New Orleans on her weekends off.
“What kind of doctor is this chic [sic] – is she even qualified to be a doctor if she lives her life as a drug-addicted stripper?” asked the former patient.
“You just can’t make this kind of stuff up,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This is just another example of how abortion facilities attract anything but the best and the brightest. Think about the implications of that and what it means to the women of America.”
St. Martin seems to have financial issues, which may have driven her back to into the abortion business for an influx of quick cash. A 2017 Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan shows a restructured payment schedule that includes wage garnishment to the tune of $7,000 per month taken from her paycheck at Teche Action Clinic, which told her to stop her outside-the-company work conducting abortions.
“St. Martin’s life appears to be entangled tightly in a web of deceit, addiction, and other vices. This kind of behavior usually makes for a pretty miserable existence,” said Newman. “Please join us in praying that Nsikan St. Martin will not only quit the abortion business for good, but that she will turn to God in repentance and allow Him to change her life for the better.”
Correction 6/18/2018: An earlier version of this story indicated that Nsikan St. Martin was currently employed by the Teche Action Clinic. While we had documentation that she did work there at one time, we have since been informed that she left employment there nearly three months ago. Operation Rescue has a commitment to accurate reporting, and we regret the error.
It has also come to our attention that the Teche Medical Center also had an affiliation with St. Martin, but Operation Rescue confirmed on June 15, 2018, that St. Martin’s affiliation with that facility was terminated much more recently — perhaps within the past few days. This article has been updated to reflect this new information.
She’s Back! Stripper Abortionist with Arrest Record Returns to Delta Abortion Clinic in Disguise