The letter below is from veteran pro-lifer Brad Bennett from Wichita, Kansas, reflecting on the life and death of Rex Blair:

I saw his obituary on page 2b of the Tuesday, Dec. 14th Wichita Eagle. He was 55 and his funeral is this Thursday 1pm at Resthaven Mortuarty and Cemetery, 11800 West Highway 54 (Kellogg). Rex was a former Love Box maintenance worker and has 2 brothers, 1 sister, 1 brother-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law. Some pro-lifers may attend his funeral. I have talked to Jennifer and Steve says Esther Fleet and her teen-age friends who helped us picket and side-walk counsel at the Central are interested.
Rex had been active as a pro-abort and deathscort dating back to the Summer of Mercy 1991, when we can first remember seeing him at the mills. There are few active pro-aborts in Wichita from 1991, most of then are dying out, getting too old or have disappeared from the scene years ago.
Steve tells me his church has had Rex and his MS, the Maggot Punks [a local groups of pro-aborts that have thus named themselves], praying for their salvation and that they would quit the child killing business. One cold winter, when Rex was deathscorting and shivering outside the Central mill in below zero wind chill without a hat or adequate gloves, Esther and her friends took pity on him, took their own money and bought Rex a nice stocking hat and pair of gloves. They asked permission from Rod Stovall, the big black security guard at Central, if they could walk over and give the hat and gloves to Rex. Rex hugged them and thanked them with tears in his eyes. Rex was last seen at the Central mill deathscorting about a month ago. The Central mill only kills children every other Wednesday. When I last saw Rex months ago, his skin was fiery red, like it had been burned off and he was bloated and overweight. I could tell he was under conviction at times but he fought it.
The other pro-aborts at the Central mill made fun of Rex behind his back, but the pro-lifers were the only real friends he had, who cared about his soul. When I called Steve this morning to tell him the news about Rex, Esther was there at Steve’s house and asked Steve what was up with Rex. When he told her Rex had died, she went into the next room for 10 minutes and when she came back into Steve’s room, she was still crying. Folks, I tear up thinking about it, too, and that’s Jesus, not me.
Reflections on the Passing of Clinic “Deathscort” Rex Blair
When Jennifer’s husband John lived near Rex’s house, he used to walk over to visit with Rex and took him to Braum’s for ice cream. Pro-lifers reached out to Rex countless times. Rex was brain damaged and said it was from a time when his brain was deprived of oxygen when he was younger. He became bitter and fell for the false doctrine of the pro-abortion industry. He lost his ability to reason and believed their lies Thanks to the Lord and his faithful servants, Rex was confronted with the truth in love. We are all sorry that Rex left this Earth without embracing Jesus and his personal Lord and Savior and is not in Heaven now. The Devil takes his toll on his followers and hates them. He comes to steal, kill and destroy Mankind but Jesus has come to give us abundant life to the overflowing.
Keep praying that God will use this for good and the other abortion workers will fall under conviction, stop their evil deeds and turn to Christ.