Tijuana, Mexico — Christian missionaries Tyler and Connie Youngkin have announced an opportunity to place 20 minutes of pro-life programming on a popular Tijuana television station around one of Mexico’s most-watched soap operas to counter the recent liberalization of abortion in that country.
A predominately Catholic country, Mexico recently moved to allow abortions through the first three months.
The Youngkin’s ads will attempt to dissuade young women from seeking abortions with graphic footage of aborted babies and interviews with Sarah Smith, a woman who, as a baby in the womb, survived an abortion attempt.
Connie Youngkin is a former nurse and a well-known pro-life activist from the San Diego, California, area who worked with Operation Rescue during the 1990’s before leaving for the mission field. She and her husband, Tyler, now run an orphanage and outreach to prostitutes in Tijuana’s “red-light” district.
“Now is the time to educate the people of Mexico about the reality of abortion and help them understand what a mistake they have made. I am confident that the pro-life television spots will do just that, and save innocent lives,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
“I worked with Connie for years and know first hand of her strong faith, amazing ministry, and selfless dedication to the pre-born, orphaned children, and women,” said Newman. “We know that any project that the Youngkins are involved with will be a tremendous success.”
The Youngkins are currently raising money to purchase the television air-time for the pro-life ad campaign. Anyone interested in contributing to this project is encouraged to e-mail the Youngkins at tycon_mx@yahoo.com.