By Cheryl Sullenger
Houston, TX – Even as Planned Parenthood’s CEO Cecile Richards, was testifying before the House Oversight Committee on her organization’s funding and participation in the sale of aborted baby tissue, Operation Rescue received 911 records related to a medical emergency the Houston Planned Parenthood facility that was featured in the videos released by the Center for Medical Policy.
According to the Houston Coalition for Life, which posted a photograph of the incident on its Facebook page, this was the tenth ambulance to be seen at the high volume Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Houston since the beginning of the year.
The abortion-related medical emergency took place on August 4, 2015. In an audio recording of the 911 call obtained by Operation Rescue through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Planned Parenthood caller identified herself as “Tram.”
This is Tram Nguyen, who is the Director of the Ambulatory Surgery Center, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, in Houston, Texas. Nguyen is featured in the Center for Medical Progress video released on August 4, 2015 – ironically the same day as the botched abortion – titled “Intact Fetuses ‘Just a Matter of Line Items’ for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center.”
During the emergency call placed by Nguyen, she explained to the 911 dispatcher the condition of the patient.
“We have a patient who just had a medical procedure and she’s experiencing bleeding and needs to be transported to Ben Taub per our physician orders,” she said. “She has I.V. access so we need an ACLS-equipped ambulance, please.”
In the CMP video, Nguyen is shown in the abortion clinic’s P.O.C. room (Products of Conception) discussing intact fetal “specimens.”
“It varies based on gestation, sometimes they come out really intact,” she told CMP actors posing as representatives of an organ procurement company. She continued to help the actors identify parts of a large aborted baby that was one of a set of twins that were 20 weeks (five months) gestation.
Nguyen also commented on the ease of harvesting the eyeballs from aborted babies.
“So all of it, yeah. Orbits [eyeballs] are so easy, like, 95% of the time,” she said.
“We have heard over and over from Planned Parenthood about the supposed ‘high quality health care they provide, yet the fact that one woman after another has been transported to the hospital suffering from hemorrhaging or some other life threatening complication is evidence that soundly refutes Planned Parenthood’s claim,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Board Member for the Center for Medical Progress. “Abortion is certainly not health care, and the frequency with which this facility sends women to the ER makes it a ‘bottom of the barrel’ abortion mill.”
Operation Rescue supports the defunding of Planned Parenthood and the Congressional investigations into Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby body parts.
“It just isn’t about the babies who are dying, although that should be a compelling enough argument for defunding, but it is also about the women who suffer from shoddy procedures and end up in an ER or in the morgue. Some can never bear children again,” Newman explained. “Women will be better off if Congress took the half-billion dollars annually that currently goes to Planned Parenthood ad relocated it to community clinics that offer legitimate health care services and do not profit from abortion or the sale of their dead babies’ remains after the fact.”
Operation Rescue encourages pro-life supporters to join a nationwide protest of Planned Parenthood on October 10. To find a protest in your area or for more information visit
Below is the CMP video featuring Ngyuen released on the same day this medical emergency took place.
Planned Parenthood Worker Featured in Shock Video Calls 911 for Bleeding Abortion Patient