Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman scheduled as featured speaker at Germantown rally

Germantown, MD – A pro-life rally will be held in Germantown, Maryland, on the 38th memorial of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that decriminalized abortion in America. The rally will focus on efforts to stop abortion, especially late-term abortions currently conducted by Nebraska abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who recently hired on to Germantown Reproductive Health Services after a new law banned late-term abortions in his home state. The following day, there will be a prayer march outside the abortion clinic.
Operation Rescue President Troy Newman will be a featured speaker at the Saturday evening rally. Other speakers will include Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition and Brandi Swindell of Generation Life.
Rally Information:

When: Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Where: Neelsville Presbyterian Church, 20701 Frederick Road, Germantown, MD 20876 [MAP]

March Information:

When: Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 2 PM
Where: Outside Germantown Reproductive Health Services, 13233 Executive Park Terrace, Germantown, MD 20874 [MAP]

Listen to a radio ad now promoting this event in the Washington, DC area.

“We encourage everyone who will be in the Washington, DC area over the Roe v. Wade Memorial to come to these exciting events,” said Newman. “With just a few days notice, pro-lifers activated and put two protests on the street each boasting of over 600 people to pray and stand against Carhart’s late-term baby killing business. The pro-abortionists think that was just a flash in the pan, but they underestimate the resolve of people of faith and conscience. Please join me in Germantown at this critical time to help us kick Carhart and abortion out of Maryland.”
For more information, please visit KickOutCarhart.com.