Operation Rescue President Troy Newman has been quoted extensively in the national media in the past two weeks concerning the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Newman has said Operation Rescue will not support Miers nomination unless more information is released assuring conservatives that she will be a strong constitutional constructionist to the in the mold of Thomas and Scalia, as was promised by Bush during the 2004 election.
Those comments lit off a firestorm of controversy. Now a wide range of conservative leaders have come out in solidarity with Operation Rescue’s position, including Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, Gary Bauer of American Values, Former Federal Court Judge Robert Bork, Commentator Patrick Buchanan, Paul Weyrich from the Free Congress Foundation, and Concerned Women for America.
Newman has been quoted about the Miers nomination on ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS News, Fox News, The Alan Colmes Radio Show, Associated Press, and a large number of radio shows, newspapers, and television stations across the nation. Newman and Operation Rescue are also hot topics on blog sites all over the Internet.
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Here is a sampling of the recent flood of media coverage:
Bush defends court choice from attacks from the right (Houston Chronicle)
Conservatives still worried about Miers even after Bush assurances (KRON4, San Francisco)
Conservatives Split Over Bush Nominee (AP via Yahoo!)
Conservatives Divided On Miers (CBS News)
Miers Meets with Lawmakers on Capitol Hill (Fox News)
Conservative Republicans Divided Over Nominee (Washington Post)