Greensboro, NC – Local pro-life activists reported on Facebook over the weekend that they have confirmed that A Woman’s Choice, an abortion clinic in Greensboro, North Carolina, has closed.
While the reason for the closure remains unclear, a call to the police confirmed that the clinic had indeed permanently closed. Pro-life activists arrived at the clinic on Saturday to discover that the doors were locked and that the furnishings had been removed from the office. As a result, one woman who tried to go to the clinic on Saturday for an abortion spoke instead to pro-life sidewalk counselors. The mother took the closure as a divine sign and decided to keep her baby.
This follows on the heels of another closure earlier in the week of the Capital Care Network, an abortion clinic in Lima, Ohio.
“Today, there are just 654 surgical abortion clinics left in the U.S., down from a high of 2,176 in 1991. Every time an abortion clinic closes, lives are saved,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation. “This is yet another sign that the Pro-Life Movement is winning. Over 70 percent of all abortion clinics have closed over the past 22 years or so and abortion numbers have dramatically dropped. This is great news for women and babies.”
North Carolina Abortion Clinic Packs Up and Closes Down