[Note: Once we posted this notice, liberal bloggers became outraged (as per the viscious flood of messages we received) and the PBS debate was slammed with 4,500 votes in 2 hours. The debate poll had only about 450 votes in the entire week prior to that. When honest voting was taking place, Newman was leading and when honest debate takes place, Americans reject late abortions on viable babies. However, it seems that PBS and thier pro-abortion cohorts cannot stand to allow the pro-life position to win in honest voting.]
Last week, Troy Newman participated in an online debate on late-term abortions on PBS. Viewers are given the opportunity to vote on the winner of the debate, and as of this writing, Troy leads with 54% of the vote. Voting is scheduled to close on June 26, 2009, so there is still time to cast your vote!
The debate shows that the horrific practice of late-term abortions are simply indefensible.
You can check out the debate and vote at http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/524/abortion-debate.html.