Cleveland, OH – In advance of the Republican National Convention, Operation Rescue President Troy Newman will join pro-life leaders with Created Equal, the Christian Defense Coalition, and others in Cleveland, Ohio, on June 16-17 for the kick-off of #OperationRNC, a campaign to ensure that the GOP platform remains strongly pro-life.
“Once again, there is a movement within the GOP to not only gut the pro-life planks from the party platform, but silence the voices of pro-lifers who are demanding an end to abortion,” said Newman. “Softening its position on abortion would spell disaster for the Republican Party and for the future of our nation. I cannot support a party that will not defend the innocent, and I know I am not alone.”
“The eyes of the world will be focused on Cleveland, OH this summer as the GOP nominates their candidate for the President of the United States. Decisions will be made at the convention that will influence our nation for a generation. A coalition of pro-life groups and activists is forming to take advantage of this historic opportunity to collectively raise our voice for the pre-born. We demand the Republican Party continue to defend the preborn, but we are also calling our nation to repent for 43 years of unabated child killing,” said Mark Harrington, National Director of Created Equal.
The pro-life groups also plan to gather as a public witness in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention, which will be held July 18-21.
With so much at stake during this presidential election, Newman is calling on pro-lifers nationwide to join #OperationRNC in Cleveland during the convention to ensure the GOP stays pro-life.
“This is your opportunity to make history,” said Newman. “Please join me in Cleveland on June 16-17 and again for the RNC National Convention on July 18-21, where will call on the GOP decision-makers to stand strong for Life!”
Visit this link for more information on OperationRNC.
Note: OperationRNC is a not supported or sponsored by any candidate, candidate committee, or political party and is solely intended to defend the sanctity of human life.
Newman to Join #OperationRNC in Cleveland to Demand the GOP Stays Pro-Life