Startling admissions raise further questions about Neuhaus’ willingness to follow the law

Topeka, KS – The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts is expected to hear the final day of testimony tomorrow in the case against abortionist Ann Kristin Neuhaus, who is accused of providing improper referrals for late-term abortions to a Wichita abortion clinic in 2003, and shoddy record-keeping that fell below the standard of care. The case is based on a complaint filed by Operation Rescue’s Cheryl Sullenger in 2006.
Originally scheduled to last four days, Friday will mark the sixth day of hearings. The proceedings were delayed on September 16 after five days of testimony when a defense witness admitted that he was unprepared to continue testifying. The Board will hear the conclusion of the case at the KSBHA office in Topeka at 9:00 AM on Friday, November 4, 2011.
Neuhaus evaluated late-term abortion patients for abortionist George Tiller to determine if continuation of their pregnancies would result in “substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function” of the women, which was one of only two exceptions to a ban on post-viability abortions. The other exception was to preserve the life of the mother, but there has never been a reported case where a late-term abortion was done under that exception.
All of Neuhaus’ referrals for abortions past viability were for mental health reasons. According to testimony, Neuhaus would type answers to “yes or no” questions into a program called PsycheManager Lite, which would automatically calculate a mental health diagnosis. An expert witness, Dr. Liza Gold of Georgetown University, testified that Neuhaus’ records and alleged evaluations, for which there was little to no documentation, were inadequate and fell well below the standard of care.
Neuhaus’ current license only allows her to provide charity care. She has applied to have her license fully restored as soon as possible, presumably so she can take employment as an abortionist once again. Plans are underway to raise money to open an abortion clinic in Wichita, which has been abortion-free since the closure of Tiller’s Women’s Health Care Services in 2009.
In an interview with the Lawrence Journal-World published Sunday, October 30, 2011, Neuhaus admits to having done around 10,000 abortions.
“The idea that I would be questioned by someone who has never dealt with abortion is a laughable irony,” she told the newspaper.
“That’s the kind of arrogant attitude that makes Neuhaus a danger to the public. No one can possibly question her – apparently not even the Kansas Board of Healing Arts to which she is supposed to be accountable,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It is that attitude, coupled with her long history of shoddy practices, makes it imperative that her license be permanently revoked. Her lack of regard for the law and for any oversight nearly guarantees that she will reoffend.”
Neuhaus also may have admitted complicity in the non-reporting of child rape in that same interview.
“Neuhaus said she has counseled many young girls who were raped and many young girls who simply didn’t make the connection between sex and pregnancy,” stated article.
According to former Attorney General Phill Kline, in 2002-2003, during the time when Neuhaus was seeing Tiller’s patients, there were 166 abortions done on girls under the age of 15 at Kansas abortion clinics. The law mandated that those cases be reported to the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services. The intentional non-reporting of child sex abuse is a crime.
“Maybe the current attorney general should take a fresh look at the non-reporting of child rape by Kansas abortionists, going back as far as the statue of limitations allows,” said Newman. “Neuhaus’ recent admission should be at the top of the investigators’ list.”
The evidence and testimony from the disciplinary hearing will be evaluated by Presiding Officer Edward Gashler, who will then present his conclusions before the full Board. The KSBHA notified Sullenger that she would “receive an update regarding this case on approximately December 30, 2011.”
Representatives from Operation Rescue plan to attend Friday’s hearing. Follow Operation Rescue on Twitter for live updates.