April is Sexual Abuse Awareness Month (SAAM) — a hard topic and one that abortion supporters all but ignore when it comes to the abortion industry.
We know child molesters, pimps, and human traffickers all benefit from the deafening silence of abortion staff refusing to report obvious abusive situations playing out in their lobbies. However, these are not the only abusers hanging around abortion clinics. Countless women have experienced horrific sexual abuse at the hands of abortion doctors.
In today’s Monday Lineup, we expose sexual predators from the Midwest — all of them found inside the abortion clinic, with a state license that gives them access to the very women they have shamelessly abused.
Before we get into the Monday Lineup, check out this interview from Pro-Life Primetime News!
Our Project Coordinator, Sarah Neely, talks all about “Dirty Docs” with Primetime host Leslie Palma.
Meet Thomas Michaelis, the abortionist serving fifteen years in prison for possession and distribution of child pornography…

In 2014, Thomas Michaelis was arrested for felony charges involving child pornography — one count of receipt or distribution and two counts of possession.
At the time, Michaelis was employed as an abortionist at Toledo’s Women Center in Ohio.
Previously, in 1991, he served just two months of a 15 month Ohio prison sentence for trying to molest four teenage girls — friends of his teenage daughter.
Ohio only suspended his license after this earlier conviction, and later reinstated it.
Only after the 2014 conviction, over two decades later and after Michaelis was sentenced to 15 years in prison, was he forced to surrender his Ohio license in order to avoid a revocation hearing.
His current release date is 2027.
Meet Jacob Kalo, who has racked up accusations of sexual assault but is still fully licensed in Michigan…

In 1998, a patient filed a police report detailing a grotesque sexual assault by Jacob Kalo during an abortion.
The patient reported that after arriving at the clinic and being given two pills that she thought were valium, she was taken to a room alone with Kalo where he performed an ultrasound. When finished, he said, “I want to check your breasts.” Kalo proceeded to lift her shirt and bra to expose her chest and then fondled her breasts with both hands. Having had breast exams before, the patient reported this felt nothing like a normal exam.
Later, when she was undressed from the waist down and lying on a table in another room, Kalo gave her a shot in her arm. She asked if she would feel anything and Kalo responded, “No, you won’t remember anything either.”
As the drugs took effect, and with no one else in the room, the patient reported she felt Kalo rubbing her clitoris for two to three minutes. Because of the drugs, she said she could not speak or move. Finally, she felt Kalo move forward and lick her clitoris. Then she blacked out. When she awoke again she was in pain, and the nurse and Kalo were standing over her telling her to breathe through an oxygen mask. She began to cry.
In 2001, another patient reported Kalo rubbed her clitoris during an abortion procedure. Unlike the previous patient who blacked out, this patient reported being awake the whole time, hearing the nurse leave the room, and confronting Kalo for touching her inappropriately. She reported that the staff was no help, even as she stumbled out of the room trying to get away from Kalo and find her boyfriend who had come with her.
In 2014, yet another patient reported Kalo rubbing her thighs and penetrating with his finger during a procedure. The patient quoted Kalo as saying, “I’m just going to put my finger inside you. I’m smaller than your boyfriend.”
In 2016, a fourth woman filed a police report, detailing being so sedated by Kalo she could not even walk to the car after her abortion. As with the patient in 1988, Kalo told her she would not remember a thing just before drugging her. The patient reported she remembered everything two days later, including being left alone with Kalo and an improper breast examination. During the investigation, however, Kalo’s nurses, Heather and Heba, insisted no one had left the patient alone with Kalo. They were also both asked to describe a typical breast exam to the investigator. Both described the same thing, but it differed completely from what the patient said she experienced. Because of the nurses’ word against hers, however, the case was dropped.
In 2022, a fifth police report was filed against Kalo. This patient described Kalo attempting to do a second ultrasound after another employee had already performed one. The patient described Kalo “pulling [her] underwear very far down and taking a glimpse at [her] vagina” before another staffer came in the room and informed him she had already done the ultrasound. Kalo followed with a breast exam, during which he required the patient to expose her breasts completely. While exposed, Kalo received a FaceTime call, which the patient reports he answered right in the middle of the exam. The patient stated she “felt very uncomfortable in many circumstances.”
Despite police reports piling up, Kalo has never been disciplined for sexual misconduct and, in fact, is still currently licensed in Michigan.
Meet Carl Burpo, who made a plea deal after eight charges of sexual abuse, one with a minor…

In 1995, at age 74, Carl Burpo was arrested for eight counts of sexual abuse, one of which involved a minor.
Burpo was performing abortions at a Planned Parenthood in Fairview Heights, IL, at the time. He had been licensed to practice, with unfettered access to female patients, for over 40 years.
He was also charged with illegally prescribing drugs. To reduce his sentence, Burpo made a plea deal. He pled guilty to fondling patients and writing illegal prescriptions. He also agreed to surrender his medical license.
In exchange, the state of Illinois dropped six of the sex abuse charges, and Burpo only received four years probation.
Meet Nabil Ghali, a convicted rapist who still got licensed in more than three other states…

Originally licensed by Kentucky in 1968, Nabil Ghali was convicted on four counts of illegal sexual contact with a 14-year-old in 1982. Those charges included penetration with his fingers and penis.
Due to the conviction, Kentucky revoked Ghali’s license a year later. Shortly after that, Ohio also took action, but only suspended his license indefinitely.
By repeatedly and intentionally failing to report these crimes and disciplinary actions in other states, Ghali was able to gain medical licensure in Utah, Florida, New York and California.
When the truth inevitably came out in these other states, his licenses were revoked, but only after he had been allowed unfettered access to other patients. In Florida, Ghali was able to open his own abortion clinic for several months before the Florida Medical Board became aware of his criminal past.
By 1993, Ghali was back in Ohio (where the Board had still not revoked his license). Two more women accused him of sexual battery.
Finally, in 1996, he was indicted on 76 charges, including 47 counts of penetration and 29 counts of gross sexual imposition — sexual contact against another’s will. He eventually pled “no contest” to six felonies. Ghali received just six months in prison.
Meet Rodolfo Finkelstein, the sexual predator who fled the country to avoid a life sentence for first-degree sexual assault…

Rodolfo Finkelstein was arrested in Michigan for sexually assaulting patients before and after performing abortions.
He was charged with two counts of first-degree sexual assault and five fourth-degree charges of sexual assault.
The first-degree charge carries a possible life sentence.
Three clients testified to Finkelstein forcibly hugging and kissing them, rubbing their buttocks and penetrating with his finger. The victims ranged from 17 to 21 years of age.
One victim reported that Finkelstein “told her how pretty she was, then massaged her clitoris and asked her if that turned her on.”
Finkelstein posted bail shortly after his arrest and then fled the country to Argentina. It was reported later that he was arrested in Argentina and served a year, but he was never extradited back to America to face charges. This predator is still at large somewhere in the world.
Don’t forget to check our daily posts on Facebook, X, Gab, and Truth Social! We will share new Predator Profiles every single day throughout the month of April for Sexual Abuse Awareness Month.
The Monday Lineup is just a snapshot from a much longer list…