By Cheryl Sullenger

Manhattan, NY – For the fifth time this year, a woman who was a client of the Manhattan Planned Parenthood abortion facility was transported by ambulance to a hospital emergency room.  This is the 38th such medical emergency documented by Operation Rescue with the help of local pro-life activists.

The incident occurred on December 8, 2020 at just before 11:00 a.m.  According to pro-life activists on the scene, the emergency workers entered the Planned Parenthood facility and came out about ten minutes later with a woman on a gurney completely covered with a sheet.

She was loaded into an ambulance marked “Lennox Health, Greenwich Village, Northwell Health,” and was transported immediately away from the scene.  The ambulance only activated its sirens after it was about a block away from the Manhattan Planned Parenthood.

This facility was previously known as the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood, but its name was changed earlier this year after complaints from employees about systemic racism within the organization.  However, no other tangible changes have been apparent after the facility was renamed in an empty gesture to appease the public outrage over the alleged racist policies and conduct.

In fact, this Planned Parenthood facility continues to target minority women for abortions.

The Manhattan Planned Parenthood also serves as an abortion training facility for two programs affiliated with the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, based at the University of California San Francisco.  Those programs, the Ryan Residency Abortion Training Program and Fellowship in Family Planning, are operated in New York City by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

“This Planned Parenthood facility is a hotbed of activity for globalist depopulation efforts that are particularly focused in this country on poor urban women of color.  That agenda has not changed at this or any other Planned Parenthood,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.  “When you know who is behind the Planned Parenthood abortion agenda, which includes some of the most prominent promoters of population control in the world, Planned Parenthood takes on a whole new meaning.”

Operation Rescue has published an exposé on the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health and its abortion training programs. That report contains of list of programs and their affiliated abortion training facilities, many of which are Planned Parenthood facilities.  Read the Report.