Operation Rescue encourages public to express outrage over government protection of abortionist Tiller

New York, NY — Talk Show host Bill O’Reilly continued his harsh criticism of late-term abortionist George R. Tiller of Wichita, Kansas, on his radio program, which aired nationwide on May 31. The day before, O’Reilly had aired a segment on his Fox News program, The O’Reilly Factor, lambasting Tiller as well as Gov. Kathleen Sebelius for protecting him.
Describing Tiller’s late-term abortion business as “barbaric,” O’Reilly indicated that the Tiller situation was one of the worst cases he’d ever seen. He says Sebelius is “not fit to serve” because of her veto of a provision that would have reiterated current Kansas law that requires abortionist to report the medical reason for abortions after 21 weeks gestation.
“She is in the clinic standing right next to [Tiller] every day. The governor is doing exactly what that man is doing because she vetoed that bill. And to me, if there is a judgment day, ya know, wow! Wow!”
“This is the same as a governor protecting a child molester. In my opinion, it’s worse,” O’Reilly said.
O’Reilly also shamed Kansans for not speaking out about Tiller and his horrific late-term abortion business and wondered how they could stand by and not express outrage.
“Certainly, we know that there has been outrage expressed, but perhaps Mr. O’Reilly hasn’t heard about it,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Newman continued, “I am asking the public to contact three key legislators and express outrage that they did not do all they could to bring Tiller to justice, then send copies of your communications to Bill O’Reilly. Forward this request to everyone you know and ask them to do the same. Let’s let America know we will not stand idly by while innocent children — many just weeks ore even days away from birth — are brutally killed.”
Please immediately contact:

KS House Speaker Melvin Neufeld
Rep. Arlen Siegfreid
Rep Lance Kinzer
Please copy your letters to Bill O’Reilly at oreilly@foxnews.com. Please include your name and town.

Listen to the “Radio Factor” segment aired nationwide May 31, 2007.
(Large MP3 file. 51 minutes. May take some time to open.)