City Hall Tickets Truck as Christians pray against Kerry’s Culture of Death

Scranton, PA — The Prayer for Life Tour took Scranton by storm as the Truth Trucks rolled through town then parked directly in front of Kerry’s campaign headquarters located directly across the street from City Hall.
Miffed that the Truth about Kerry’s grisly abortion “choice” was being exposed and prayed against, the Kerry camp called the police and media. However, their plan to remove the peaceful Christians backfired and event leaders Pat Mahoney and Troy Newman gave interviews to media about how critical it is for the people of Pennsylvania to vote pro-life. A parking ticket was issued and one of the Truth Trucks was asked to move about 20 feet – to a location directly in front of Kerry Campaign Headquarters!
After the prayer time, Newman promptly paid the $10 parking ticket. “I would have paid $100 dollars to park there in advance,” said Newman. “It was a great opportunity to rip the mask off Kerry’s radical pro-abortion agenda in front of those who most need to see the truth. We pray God will open their eyes and that they will cast their votes instead for candidates who will protect the innocent.”
The group attended a grassroots volunteer meeting in Druyea, Pennsylvania, later that evening.
More photos from Scranton.