[Moira Sheridan is a Delaware pro-life activist who attended a tenant/landlord hearing on April 24, 2017, involving Stephen Brigham’s Premiere ObGyn and a landlord that has tried for three years to remove the abortion business from his property. Below is Sheridan’s encouraging first-hand report. -OR Staff]
By Moira Sheridan
Wilmington, DE — It took only 15 minutes for the fate of Premier Ob-Gyn to be decided: CLOSED. The abortion clinic in Wilmington, Delaware, is leased by disgraced abortionist and scofflaw, Stephen Brigham, who was on record as the “manager,” renting the property under the auspices of Integrity Family Health. At the short hearing in the Court of Common Pleas in Wilmington, attended by local pro-lifers, David Williams and Moira Sheridan, Judge Susan Ufberg accepted Brigham’s lawyer’s offer to “vacate the property within two weeks” after a brief rehash of his failure to pay 9 months’ rent totaling $37,708.05.
Dr. Adeline Farhi, who, with her husband, owns the condo located in a building with several medical offices in a bustling, trendy area of Wilmington, represented herself at court for the third time in an attempt to rid Brigham and the abortion clinic from the building. She maintains that they moved in approximately three years ago under the auspices of Integrity Family Health, a “group of three female Ob-gyns.” The Trojan horse quickly revealed itself as an abortion clinic with Eric Yahav doing the abortions.
Another disgraced abortionist who frequently worked for Brigham, Yahav was filmed on video in 2014 assaulting his pregnant girlfriend and trying to force her into an abortion.
After his departure, an elderly abortionist, Albert Dworkin, took over at Premier, which was forced to stop performing surgical abortions in 2015 because of a lack of accreditation. Dworkin, who worked with Kermit Gosnell and had his medical license suspended in 2013 as a result of that association, continued until recently to do pill abortions at the location and was seen weekly hobbling from car to front door.
Both Brigham and his attorney, Basil Kollias, looked rumpled and defeated even before the hearing began, as they conferred in a hallway, whispering. It is more than likely that 90 year-old Dworkin’s decision to “retire,” was overheard by Brigham’s lawyer before the hearing, and influenced the decision to vacate the property.
Local pro-lifers kept a steady vigil on abortion days at Premier Ob-Gyn for the past three years, much to the consternation of the other businesses in the building. Their vigilance and persistence in reaching out to the Farhis contributed much to the closing of this clinic. They will, however, be on alert for any of Brigham’s future attempts to open a clinic in Delaware.
View Judgment by Admission in Farhi Properties vs. Integrity Family Health.
Read background story from Operation Rescue concerning Premier ObGyn.
[Photos courtesy of Moira Sheridan]
Delaware Clinic Leased by Stephen Brigham to Close