The Battle Moves to Washington, DC

The fight for Terri Schiavo has moved to our nation’s capital. Today supporters of Terri Schiavo will hold a press conference in front of the White House, on the Lafayette Park side. At 12, noon, Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, members of Not Dead Yet, and other supporters of Terri Schiavo, will urge President Bush to intervene on behalf of Terri.
After the press conference, the group plans to confront House Speaker Dennis Hastert, followed by Congressman Tom DeLay, asking them to explain why they have not enforced the subpoenas issued by Congress to Terri Schiavo. The supporters of Terri will also urge Congress to find Florida Probate Judge George Greer in contempt for his treatment of Terri Schiavo’s subpoena.