By Cheryl Sullenger
Germantown, MD – New information has surfaced concerning abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who had reportedly quit working at a Maryland late-term abortion facility in October 2016, some of which raises additional concerns of his competency to conduct abortions.
Eight weeks after his departure, Carhart unexpectedly resumed abortions at Germantown Reproductive Health Services (GRHS).
“We believe that the original decision to quit working in Germantown was probably meant to be ‘permanent,’ but something apparently happened that changed his mind,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “There are all sorts of rumors out there, but until we can confirm facts, we must refrain from further speculation.”
Since Carhart’s return to GRHS, the Maryland Coalition for Life has published photographs of at least two patients that have returned to the late-term abortion facility in the middle of the night seeking treatment. It is very unusual for women to be seen at any abortion facility in the middle of the night, and it usually means that something has not gone according to plan.
On December 29, 2016, one patient can be seen waddling into the abortion facility with what appeared to be a linen or plastic sheet – possibly a shower curtain liner — between her legs. The image was recorded at 3:49 a.m. By 5:30 a.m., everyone, including the patient, LeRoy Carhart, Mary Lou Carhart, and three of GRHS staff, had vacated the facility.
The following night, another patient was seen entering the abortion facility at 3:58 a.m. There is no indication prompted her to seek treatment at that unusual hour.
Carhart had been under investigation last year by the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives. A subpoena was issued to him seeking information related babies born alive during late-term abortions and to suspected trafficking in aborted baby remains. Carhart never fully complied with the subpoena.
The Select Panel’s final report discussed its investigation into Germantown Reproductive Health Center, noting that it interviewed four of the facility’s employees and one confidential informant. According to the report, the informant “claimed that [Carhart] is not fit to practice due to arthritis in his hands.”
Since December 2010, nine women have been transported by ambulance to a local hospital for emergency treatment Carhart and GRHS could not provide. One of Carhart’s 33-week abortion patients, Jennifer Morbelli, died from complications to the third trimester abortion she received from Carhart in February 2013.
Last September, a former GRHS patient sued Carhart for a near fatal abortion she received on January 18, 2016. Suffering heavy bleeding and severe pain, she was eventually transported to a nearby hospital where it was discovered that she was bleeding internally from numerous life-threatening injuries that included a uterus that had been slashed open from top to bottom during the abortion. That case is still pending.
“It has become all too obvious that LeRoy Carhart poses a serious danger to women,” said Newman. “Please join me in praying for him to leave the abortion industry for good and for both his abortion facilities in Bellevue, Nebraska, and Germantown, Maryland, to permanently close.”
Competency Issues Mount as Late-term Abortionist Carhart Unexpectedly Returns to Germantown