Note: It has been reported in at least one news source that information in this report regarding the California abortionist at Trust Women is untrue. Operation Rescue stands by this report and our sources as being accurate and trustworthy. So far, no documentation has been presented to prove otherwise. -OR Staff, 4/2/2020
By Cheryl Sullenger
Wichita, KS – A Kansas pro-life organization, the Kansas Coalition for Life, is reporting alarming news about an abortionist that worked for several days doing surgical abortions at Trust Women, an abortion facility in Wichita, who had apparently been exposed to the China Coronavirus (COVIS-19) while working in California.
Mark Gietzen, Chairman of the Kansas Coalition for Life, operates a sidewalk outreach at Trust Women each day during every hour it is open for business. He told Operation Rescue that the unnamed abortionist arrived in Wichita on the morning of March 19, 2020, then gave the following account of this disturbing incident in a written statement:
Although it is unusual for a California Abortionist to arrive in Wichita, in a personal car bearing California tags, that fact did not take on its full meaning until we learned on March 20th, Friday afternoon, indirectly from a disgruntled Trust Women Employee, who complained that the California Abortionist had been in contact with Coronavirus patients in California, immediately prior to traveling to Kansas, and had not been tested for, nor screened for, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19disease, known as the Coronavirus.
If the California Abortionist had attempted to fly to Kansas to do her deadly surgical abortion work, it is possible that she would have been denied a boarding pass, as the airlines are working diligently to prevent people who are infected with the Coronavirus from boarding an aircraft. This is one plausible reason why the California abortionist may have chosen to drive the long distance from California to Kansas. In any case, at least 43 abortions were performed on Thursday, and at least 34 abortions were performed on Friday at the Trust Women Abortion Facility. Client cars included cars from the surrounding states, and an Illinois car. Many of the Kansas client car tags were from counties outside of Sedgwick County Kansas.
Gietzen told Operation Rescue in a telephone interview that prior to the arrival of the unnamed California abortionist, the security guard at Trust Women never wore personal protective gear outside. During her stay at the clinic, he was seen wearing a face mask, which disappeared once she left Wichita. This observation was consistent with information Gietzen received from his inside source that described the general upset among Trust Women staff who had to work with this abortionist, and their concern for their own personal health and safety.
In Kansas, it is required by law that the names of all abortionists be listed on the facility’s 24-Hour Consent Form. According to Trust Women’s current consent form, the only female abortionist listed that has a valid California medical license is Rebecca L. Taub, a 2019 graduate of the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health’s Fellowship in Family Planning operated out of the University of Washington. [Learn more about that abortion training program and its population control agenda.]
Taub currently also works for Sutter Health at Alta Bates Summit’s Milvia Care Center in Berkeley, California.
Berkeley reported its first case of Coronavirus on February 23, 2020, and has been under a “shelter in place” order since March 17, 2020.
Should Gietzen’s report prove to be true, this poses the possibility of exponential spread of the Coronavirus in Kansas and across the Midwest.
“If Trust Women’s abortionist was exposed to the coronavirus, then avoided flying due to her exposure, it means she took an intentional risk of exposing least 77 women and Trust Women staff just so she could abort babies. This is outrageous conduct that endangered the public health,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “I’m sure Trust Women will attempt to cover this up, because they deny everything that shows them in a negative light, and unfortunately, the main-stream news always goes along with their charades. But we have not known the people at Trust Women to be the most truthful, and that makes them especially dangerous to the community, especially now.”
The Sedgwick County Board of Supervisors issued a 30-day “stay at home” order effective on March 25, 2020. The order covers Wichita, Kansas.
“That stay-at-home order should apply to the Trust Women abortion business, like it does any other business,” said Newman. “We urge everyone to contact Gov. Kelly and demand that Trust Women shut down.”
Take Action
Contact Democrat Governor Laura Kelly and demand that she order all Kansas abortion facilities to immediately shut down to protect the public from the unnecessary spread of the Coronavirus.
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