Ashes of aborted babies fall on pro-lifers at Wichita’s late-term abortion mill
— Ashes of aborted babies fell on pro-life sidewalk counselors as they stood outside Women’s Health Care Services in Wichita, Kansas, offering help to women considering abortion. The infamous late-term abortion mill is owned and operated by abortionist George R. Tiller.
Tiller operates an industrial-sized incinerator at his abortion facility where he routinely burns the broken remains of pre-born babies that he and his staff have aborted.
“It’s unusual for him to burn on a Thursday,” noted longtime sidewalk counselor Donna Lampkin. “Tiller usually waits until the end of the week’s killing to burn the babies’ bodies.”
ORW staffer Karen Myers heard the roar of the incinerator and looked up to see smoke and fine ash fluttering down from the smokestack located on the roof of WHCS. “I could smell the sickening stench of burning flesh. Smoke only came out only for a few minutes, but afterward, I saw bits of ash being carried into the sky by the breeze.”
Some of the human ash even fell on Myers, smudging in her fingers as she picked it up. In addition to the ash, Myers and ORW staffer Cheryl Sullenger recovered a cinder approximately one square inch in size from the grass in front of the abortion mill. It was unknown of what material that cinder was comprised.
Pictures of the burned remains of the aborted babies from today’s burning are available below.
“It is appalling to think that the remains of innocent babies are literally polluting our city — drifting down on our streets, our homes, and our children as they play in our yards,” said Sullenger. “These innocent babies deserved better than to be brutally murdered and then burned as if they were simply garbage. This is the ultimate devaluation of human life that should shock all men and women of good conscience into acting to protect all innocent human life, regardless of developmental age.”

The ashes of aborted babies smudged in Karen Myers’ hand as Tiller burned human remains in his industiral-sized incenerator.

Cheryl Sullenger holds a cinder of unknown substance retreived from the grass near the smokestack. The cinder was still warm to the touch.

Heat waves rise from the incinerator smokestack. The rumble of the incinerator could still be heard through the two intake vents near the roof of the abortion mill twenty minutes after it was fired up.