By Cheryl Sullenger
Austin, TX – Emergency 911 records recently received by Operation Rescue show that Planned Parenthood on Ben White Boulevard in Austin, Texas, conducted a surgical abortion on a 31-year old woman who then began to “bleed excessively.” But when an employee phoned 911 for the ambulance, she gave conflicting information about the severity of the woman’s hemorrhaging and requested that the ambulance come without sirens.
During the incident, which took place on January 25, 2019, the caller told the dispatcher, “She’s just bleeding excessively. We did do a – like a balloon, but it didn’t seem to help [unintelligible] the bleeding, so we did want to transfer her just to be safe. But if you could request that they come without sirens. . .”
A uterine balloon tamponade is a life-saving device invented to treat postpartum hemorrhage, a leading cause of maternal deaths worldwide. However, abortionists have adapted it for use on women who hemorrhage due to abortion complications, even though abortions present a different set of circumstances and injuries than women who give birth.

The balloon tamponade is inflated inside the uterus to apply pressure to blood vessels in order to stop the bleeding. It is successful about 80% of the time.
However, this woman did not respond to the tamponade and continued to hemorrhage, indicating that she was experiencing a very serious and possibility life-threatening medical emergency.
To make matters worse, later in the call, the Planned Parenthood worker downplayed the gravity of the emergency by telling the dispatcher that the bleeding was not serious, “just consistent.”
This caused the dispatcher to communicate “No SERIOUS bleeding,” to the ambulance personnel when there was reason to believe the bleeding was in fact very serious.
Th woman’s condition, even as it was downplayed by the caller, made the request for no sirens grossly inappropriate.

“The request for no sirens meant that Planned Parenthood didn’t care if the ambulance was delayed by traffic as long as no one inside or outside the facility was alerted that a medical emergency was in progress,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It’s frankly appalling that the concern for the clinic’s reputation would be placed ahead of a woman bleeding so badly that extraordinary measures could not control it.”
The Planned Parenthood worker noted that the patient was 31-years old and only spoke a little bit of English. The patient’s primary language was Arabic. The caller admitted when asked that they had no interpreter on site.
“No. We’ve been using phones,” she said.
Apparently, the Planned Parenthood staff was using smart phones to communicate, perhaps using something like the Google Translate feature accessible through the popular search engine.
Online translation services are known to be at times imprecise.
The woman was eventually transported to Dell Seton Hospital.
“I wish I could say that this is a rare occurrence, but it is actually very common. Abortion is not safe, and abortion facilities, like this Planned Parenthood, are dangerous places for women and their babies,” said Newman. “There are ample resources available for pregnant women in this country so that no one should ever consider taking the life of their baby and risking their own life in the process. We pray every day that the horror of abortion will come to an end so both women and their babies will be protected.”