Update: Operation Rescue has learned that the woman transported in the story below was a domestic violence victim suffering a head injury, not an abortion patient. When we published this story, we based it on information provided to us by local pro-life activists that stated the woman on the gurney in this story was a Planned Parenthood patient. Sidewalk counsellors are usually very reliable witnesses. Given the multitude of documented abortion injuries and deaths at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, it is easy to see why this woman was actually a patient. To clarify, we never said this was a “botched abortion,” although another news source that picked up this story did use those words. However, we did say an abortionist sent this woman to the hospital, and for that, we apologize. We work hard to provide the most accurate information possible, yet, sometimes mistakes happen, even in the most well-known of news organizations. In any case, information about abortionist Nicola Moore and her affiliation with the Clinton Health Care Initiative is accurate and fully documented. -Cheryl Sullenger
By Cheryl Sullenger
Lincoln, NE – After halting abortions for five weeks due to the sudden retirement of a long-time local abortionist, Planned Parenthood in Lincoln, Nebraska, resumed abortions on April 28, 2015, using Massachusetts abortionist Nicola Moore, who has ties to Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.
Just ten days later, an abortion patient suffered a medical emergency and was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment that the Planned Parenthood facility was not equipped to provide. The incident took place on May 8 at 11:20 a.m. and was photographed by local pro-life activists.
The patient appeared to be in pain as she was removed from the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic and loaded into an awaiting ambulance.
The ambulance left the scene without running lights or sirens, which is sometimes requested by abortion businesses in order to downplay serious medical emergencies and deflect negative attention.
Moore, is a Massachusetts abortionist that has referred to herself as “the fly-in abortionista” due to her practice of “circuit riding” to clinics around the country doing abortions. Moore is secretive about her identity, sometimes wearing to work a mask in the likeness of one of the Three Stooges.
Moore had her Nebraska medical license reinstated on March 26, 2015, so she could help the Lincoln and Omaha Planned Parenthood clinics resume abortions “irregularly” until a more permanent abortionist can be found, according to information provided to Operation Rescue by a local pro-life activist.
The Lincoln clinic is operated by Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, which runs abortion operations in Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Moore has worked for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland before, conducting abortions in Sioux City, Iowa, where she sent another abortion patient to the emergency room in December, 2011.
As previously reported by Operation Rescue, Moore became employed by the Clinton Health Access Initiative in April, 2013, according to documents obtained by Operation Rescue. The Initiative was founded by President Bill Clinton in 2002, for the purpose of combating HIV/AIDS on a global scale, later expanding to promote abortions worldwide.
The Clinton Health Access Initiative is funded by the embattled Clinton Foundation, which has come under fire recently for allegations of improperly taking millions of dollars in donations from foreign countries while Clinton’s wife, Hillary, served as Secretary of State in the Obama Adminstration.
In 2012, the Clinton Health Access Initiative began a partnership with Planned Parenthood to help distribute birth control and increase access to abortion in Africa and Latin America.
“The radically pro-abortion Clinton-Planned Parenthood-Moore collaboration is now exporting substandard abortion practices to vulnerable women in third-world countries in a program that smacks of Margaret Sanger’s brand of eugenics. This is the real ‘war on women’ and it is being waged on a global scale,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood, who proposed abortion as a means of “exterminating” the Black population and other racial groups she found undesirable. Hillary Clinton has publicly expressed admiration for Sanger.
“And now with Moore back at Planned Parenthood in Nebraska, we can only expect more ambulances, injured women, and dead babies,” Newman said. “Planned Parenthood’s eugenics-pushing founder, Margaret Sanger would be so proud!”
Updated: Abortionist with Ties to Embattled Clinton Foundation Sends Nebraska Planned Parenthood Patient to Hospital