St. Louis, MO — Abortionist Yogendra Shah lost his lawsuit last month against botched abortion victim Melanie Mills. Shah had sued Mills when she went on the radio in the St. Louis area and told listeners about how Shah had given her an abortion at his Granite City, IL, abortion mill without performing a pregnancy test and failed to inform her that no baby existed. Mills had suffered severe post-abortion stress syndrome and had become suicidal from the guilt of her supposed abortion until she learned later that she had actually suffered from an undiagnosed blighted ovum.
Shah asked the court to award him $1 million for Mills’ remarks, in spite of the fact that Mills, a registered nurse, had fully documented her medical condition and obtained a written statement from a specialist stating that Mills had grounds to sue Shah.
Shah also had sought a five-year gag-order on Mills to prevent her from discussing her botched “abortion.”
Mills was greatly relieved by her victory in court and is now boldly speaking out about her experience with the hope of sparing other women her anguish.
“I hope no other woman will ever have to go through the mental torment of thinking they killed their child,” Mills said. “Not until I found I was not pregnant at the time of the abortion did I have peace of mind and Dr. Shah knew when the abortion was performed there was no baby, but he did not tell me. I have lived with the guilt until I found out the truth and it has taken a tremendous emotional toll on my life and my family.”
“I thought at the time abortion was the answer,” Mills admitted. “I now beg women to please not make a decision in haste that you will have to live with the rest of their lives. You cannot imagine what this does to you later on.”
“This is one brave lady who would not sit down, shut up, and keep abortionist Shah’s dirty little secret,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “She had the courage to stand up to the abortion bullies who were trying to silence her and she has my great respect.”