By Anne Reed
Bellevue, NE – A pro-lifer on the sidewalk of an abortion clinic owned by notorious, late-term abortionist, Leroy Carhart, observed a man loading a solitary box of “medical waste” onto a medical waste company truck last week.

She may have observed the company’s last pick-up at this facility, as Operation Rescue verified that surgical abortions are no longer performed there. The abortion business recently began charging more for chemical abortions while taking steps toward the establishment of a new abortion clinic in Pueblo, Colorado.  

One may be tempted to think, “It’s just one box, what’s the big deal?”

In my 13 years of facilitating post-abortion healing classes, dozens of women reached the end of themselves and finally determined to work through their post-abortion trauma. Each woman had a gut-wrenching story to tell – often a tangled, contradicting mess of deception, betrayal, fear, defiance, confusion, and resolve.

Each abortion was the loss of at least one son or daughter, and it resulted in a complicated array of disruptive effects in the life of the mother, and sometimes in the lives of others who were closely involved.

Whether that one box at Carhart’s abortion business contained the bodily remains of one child or multiple babies, a woman (or women) somewhere will inevitably be profoundly affected by that loss. And, God willing, she will receive God’s forgiveness and His help to begin and complete the work of grieving and mourning.

For a post-abortive mother to be freed from shame, guilt, and the entire gamut of post-abortion stress, she will need to work through a difficult series of healing processes, including a memorial service – a funeral of sorts – to acknowledge the life and death of her child.­­­­­­­­­­­

In 2015, I ­shared the story of one mom, a friend of mine, who experienced that freedom after years of depression and debilitating physical consequences. More than 30 years after her abortions, she was finally set free.   

Now, think of that mother, and realize the body of her child could have been tossed into a truck – just like the one at Carhart’s clinic last week, or any of the other 396 surgical abortion clinics in the U.S. – or flushed down a toilet after a chemical abortion.    

“The very idea that the body of an innocent child is placed in a container marked ‘medical waste,’ or is flushed down a toilet is repulsive,” said Operation Rescue President, Troy Newman. “It is because of this evil disregard for the immeasurable value of human life, created in God’s image, that we all continue fighting this daily battle to stop the distribution of abortion-inducing drugs, and close every last abortion clinic in this nation.”