Santa Ana, CA — Blogger William Heisel, former reporter for the LA Times and Orange County Register, has written an excellent 6-part series of investigative reports called “The Shadow Practice” that focuses on abortionist Andrew Rutland and several of his seedy associates.
You may remember Rutland from earlier reports from Operation Rescue. He is the Southern California abortionist who was recently accused in the abortion death of Ying Chen, and of operating in solo practice in violation of restrictions on his medical license. While the Medical Board sought emergency suspension of Rutland’s license, a judge allowed him to continue operating as long as he refrains from performing surgeries.
Heisel’s report exposes the links between Rutland and a group of shoddy abortionists and other troubled doctors who are able to continue practicing by slipping out of the mainstream and into the shadows by working at cash only clinics in primarily immigrant neighborhoods. That is so they can operate under the radar with little chance that a patient who does not understand English and may be in the country illegally will report their abuses to the authorities.
Below are links to each of Heisel’s investigative reports, which substantiate allegations that Operation Rescue has long made against Rutland and other abortionists of his ilk. Heisel reveals abortionists who prey on immigrant and minority women with dangerous abortions and a painkiller distribution scheme where hundreds of thousands of pills are prescribed without a physician ever examining the patient, and where insurance companies are over-billed to increase the profit margin.
Sound familiar? This is a similar practice to one Operation Rescue recently reported on at chain of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in Iowa.
For those who wish to understand the true nature of the crisis that exists at America’s abortion mills, this series is a must read!

The Shadow Practice Part 1: Disciplined doctor found an exile community in immigrant health care
The Shadow Practice Part 2: New owners can’t exorcise ghosts of clinic’s past
The Shadow Practice Part 3: Immigrant clinic had deep roots in deception
The Shadow Practice Part 4: Doc begs patients for loans
The Shadow Practice Part 5: Drug pushers running this clinic were far from saints
The Shadow Practice, Part 6: Doctors sell their souls, and their licenses, on the cheap