Sioux Falls, South Dakota — Operation Rescue has joined with pro-lifers from all over the nation in volunteering time to help the “Yes On 6” campaign supporting South Dakota’s historic ban on abortion.
OR President Troy Newman and missionary Keith Mason have been on the ground in Sioux Falls walking precincts, conducting sign-waving outreaches, distributing voter guides, and other activities.
“I have never seen more enthusiasm and professionalism in a campaign,” said Newman. “Yard signs supporting the abortion ban simply blanket Sioux Falls. I have met people from all over the country who have taken time from their lives and even their families to come here to help pass this measure. The South Dakotans running this campaign are running a race of the finest caliber.”
“On the other hand, the opposition seems discouraged and disorganized. We fully anticipate victory in tomorrow’s election, and by God’s grace, South Dakota will become the first state ban the gruesome act of abortion,” said Newman. “I am privileged to have been a part of it.”
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