Dear Friends of Life,

In the next few days South Dakota pro-life leaders will be making a major decision. Either they will choose to forge ahead with a plan to outlaw virtually all abortions, or they will choose to continue the waiting game, allowing more time for changes on the U.S. Supreme Court.
My friends, the babies who are dying today can’t wait for a theoretically flawless court. They can’t wait for “the perfect timing.” The little ones who are dying today can’t wait another moment. Babies are needlessly dying as I write this because our inability to aggressively act at the state level.
It is the duty of pro-lifers to do everything within our power to secure the right to life for every pre-born child, and sometimes that means taking calculated legal risks.
We have posted two opposing legal position papers for your convenience. One is from attorney Sam Casey, who advocates immediate action to ban abortion, (the position I support), and one from attorney Jim Bopp, who advocates a position that would essentially maintain the status quo. Mr. Bopp’s position is supported by the National Right To Life Committee. I heartily encourage you to review them.

  • Read Mr. Casey’s Paper
  • Read Mr. Bopp’s Paper
  • Because so much is at stake, we need to “swing for the fence” every chance we get. Only God knows what the future holds or who will be sitting on the bench when this case is decided. That is why Operation Rescue will endorse and materially support the position put forward by attorneys Samuel Casey and Harold Cassidy.
    Mr. Casey said it best, “The people of South Dakota are best positioned to advance the national dialogue for the sake of the lives of our children and the health of our mother by enacting the proposed Abortion Bill that has been well crafted and concurred in as to its form and enforceability.” (Emphasis added.)
    We, as a movement, must not squander our “best position,” but should take full advantage of it for the sake of the innocent for whom we are the only voice.
    Onward toward victory,
    Troy Newman
    President, Operation Rescue